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LADA statement on Arts Council England NPO funding announcement

LADA is pleased to announce that our application for Arts Council England funding was successful, and we continue to have NPO status as part of the 2023-26 Investment Programme. The support from ACE is a strong endorsement of LADA’s legacy and transformative work as a leading organisation in the Live Art and performance sector.

In this new era of leadership, the vision of LADA is committed to a sustainable multifaceted practice of reframing care that centres social justice and access, through the work of artists and arts workers, within the expansive ecology of Live Art and the broader cultural performance network. The mission of the Live Art Development Agency is the belief in ‘Live Art as a means to challenge the status quo and initiate meaningful social change’. Half of our UK audience, pre-pandemic, came from the suburbs of London and is now expanding internationally as we adjust to an ever-changing interconnected digital and remote climate. As a national organisation, we are uniquely placed to support the arts and education by developing and establishing programmes and projects for artists and young people nationally to deliver excellence for London’s unrivalled creative workforce and diverse cultural society.

We would like to send congratulations to everyone who has received NPO funding and use this time to note those who did not, as well as question how this affects the care of our Live Art and performance industry. We are aware of the organisations in the Live Art and performance sector that did not receive funding and now face uncertainty in challenging times. Over £50 million worth of Government cuts were made to London’s arts funding, which is huge. This comes at a time of rising energy bills, the crisis in the cost of living, and inflation. We must continue to find ways to support our city’s vibrant art and cultural life, in London and the rest of England, and not forget to seek joy and meaningful conversations in Live Art and performance, which holds value in our everyday lives.

LADA’s Board and Co-Directors

9th November 2022


More information about ACE funding decisions

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