The Study Room
Our key resource which provides a research space for artists, academics, students and other curious folk. Containing over 8,000 items, including out-of-print books and rare documentation, our Study Room, in Bethnal Green, is the world’s largest collection of research materials on Live Art.
More about the Study RoomSearch the Catalogue
The catalogue includes books, DVDs, magazines, journals and digital materials. A selection of these resources can be accessed online.
'Their open-access Study Room provides a gateway into a provocative, challenging yet wonder-full world'
Study Room Guides
As part of the continuous development of the Study Room we regularly commission a range of artists and thinkers to write personal Study Room Guides to help navigate users through this resource.
The idea is to enable Study Room users to experience the materials in a new way and highlight materials that they may not have otherwise come across.
View our Study Room Guides
Key Links and Resources
We have assembled this selection of useful links and and pages for artists and researchers.
Downloads – free resources created by LADA

LADA Screens
An ongoing project offering free online screenings of seminal performance documentation, works to camera, short films/video and archival footage.
Our most recent LADA Screens was a series on Voice, Care and Healing, Featuring Lucy Sheen, Lateisha Davine Lovelace-Hanson, Maxima Smith and Sahera Khan.
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LADA Vimeo
A series of channels where you can watch short videos and films selected from LADA’s Study Room or generated through our programmes and initiatives.
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LADA Soundcloud
LADA’s platform for audio content, including recordings of artist talks as well as commissioned artworks by artists such as Marcia Farquhar, Jen Harvie, Taylan Halici and many others.
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Project Websites
A series of project specific LADA websites hosting curated content and documentation of the projects.
Edge of an Era: an archival project revisiting a specific series of seminal performance art events from the late 1980s.
PLAYING UP: A Live Art Game for Kids and Adults: an intergenerational artwork by Sibylle Peters
Performance Magazine Online: an online archive of and resources about, Performance Magazine (1979-1992)
Glimpses of Before:1970’s Performance Art in the UK: Study Room Guide by Helena Goldwater
Are We There Yet? A Study Room Guide on Live Art and Feminism
Live Art and Feminism in the UK: Curated by LADA in collaboration with Eleanor Roberts and the Google Cultural Institute, offering a snapshot of some of the key figures and issues of Live Art and Feminism in the UK since 1970
Documenting Intimacy: a research initiative piloted by Brian Lobel and Marisa Zanotti to explore documenting one-to-one performance from the perspective of artists.
NRLA 30: Highlights from the documentation of the 2010 edition of the NRLA Festival when artists from across the Festival’s 30-year history presented new work.

Special Collections
The Resources Catalogue includes a growing number of Collections of publications, DVDs and other ‘rare’ materials organised by themes, artists or projects, which have been assembled or acquired by the Agency, or generously donated by artists and colleagues.
View our collections
Study Room Boxes
LADA is delighted to be able to offer UK and international promoters temporary installations of bespoke Study Boxes containing hand picked selections of DVDs, books and other materials from the LADA Study Room around specific themes.
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Banner image credit: Performance Lecutre on Afrofuturism, Ivy Monteiro, Study Room resident, Live Art Development Agency 2019. Image by Ben Harris