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LADA seeks New Leadership (now closed)

LADA is seeking new leadership to build on its 25-year history and powerful legacy. We are looking for a new Director of the organisation who can generate radical new ideas and ways of working; who can advocate for those artists and practices historically underrepresented within Live Art; who can advance Live Art’s expanding frames of reference and parameters of practice; and who are committed to developing structures and processes to ensure that the agency of artists is central to LADA’s operations and programmes. All the information on this opportunity, including how to apply, is provided in the job pack.

LADA supports contemporary culture’s most radical and inventive artists, practices and ideas. We champion new ways of working, legitimise unclassifiable artforms, record untold histories, and support the agency of underrepresented artists. We believe in Live Art as a means to challenge the status quo and initiate meaningful social change.

We are seeking proposals from those with a clear artistic vision to drive the future of Live Art alongside executive experience and organisational skills to give LADA stability and generate growth. We would like to hear from applicants who have the commitment, energy, expertise, and resourcefulness to lead LADA into its next phase. We want to hear from those who can galvanise and convene across the live arts sector and community considering the full breadth of those within, with a deep understanding of Live Art in the UK and an understanding of the challenges the sector faces.

We would welcome job shares, from those who are able to demonstrate existing working relationships and impact in line with the focus of this role, evidenced through a strong track record of previous collaborative work. We are open to exploring new leadership models and structures that candidates wish to propose. Examples could include a co-directorship split across artistic and executive duties, or a sole executive directorship that utilises external artistic and curatorial expertise on a project by project basis.

Overall, a key selection criterion for this role is a love and knowledge of the Live Art sector. We welcome applications from as wide a range of voices as possible, and are especially encouraging proposals for leadership from applicants with unique perspectives and/or lived experiences related to race, class, disability, sex, gender, and health status.

Before applying for this role, please read the job pack carefully.

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