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Magazine: 10 Live performance essays by David Hoyle


Duckie, Royal Vauxhall Tavern, full documentation of 10 critical performance/essays on: Celebrity (3 parts), Cookery (3 parts), Crime & Punishment (3 parts), Immigration (3 parts), Dogging (3 parts), Media Studies (3 parts), HIV unt AIDS (3 parts), The Women's Issue (4 parts), Antiques Roadshow (3 parts), Alcoholism (4 parts). David Hoyle, includes video projections and live performance. This item is part of the Study Room Guide On shit, piss, blood, sweat and tears by Lois Keidan (P2195). This item can be found in the locked glass cabinet.

Artist / Author David Hoyle
Reference D1660
Date 1970
Type DVD


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