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Blocks Example

Website Guide

We have created a guide for using the website. Please familiarise yourself with this. Over time you will become more familiar with the site.

It is essential that people are assigned responsibility for sections of the website. They should regularly:

  • ensure content is up to date
  • ensure things are working well
  • check the front end and make sure things are looking a good as they can be – e.g. images and headings
  • make suggestions for new features
  • share any feedback and bugs
View Guide
small hedgehog Animals of Manchester (Including Humanz), 2019. LADA, Theatre of Research for Manchester International Festival. Image by Chris Payne.

Normal Block

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

NB: Make sure headings are not also bold.

This is in bold

This is not in bold – paragraph text.

This is a link

Up am intention on dependent questions oh elsewhere september. No betrayed pleasure possible jointure we in throwing. And can event rapid any shall woman green. Hope they dear who its bred. Smiling nothing affixed he carried it clothes calling he no. Its something disposing departure she favourite tolerably engrossed. Truth short folly court why she their balls. Excellence put unaffected reasonable mrs introduced conviction she. Nay particular delightful but unpleasant for uncommonly who.

Started his hearted any civilly. So me by marianne admitted speaking. Men bred fine call ask. Cease one miles truth day above seven. Suspicion sportsmen provision suffering mrs saw engrossed something. Snug soon he on plan in be dine some.

Inhabit hearing perhaps on ye do no. It maids decay as there he. Smallest on suitable disposed do although blessing he juvenile in. Society or if excited forbade. Here name off yet she long sold easy whom. Differed oh cheerful procured pleasure securing suitable in. Hold rich on an he oh fine. Chapter ability shyness article welcome be do on service.

Ham followed now ecstatic use speaking exercise may repeated. Himself he evident oh greatly my on inhabit general concern. It earnest amongst he showing females so improve in picture. Mrs can hundred its greater account. Distrusts daughters certainly suspected convinced our perpetual him yet. Words did noise taken right state are since.

Here is a a list of items:

  • item one
  • item two which is a bit longer
  • item three
  • item four
    • item four point 1
    • item four point 2
  • item five
'Beijing Xingwei: contemporary chinese time-based art' By Meiling Cheng
Nando Messias, Shoot the Sissy, 2016, on tour. Image credit Holly Revell. LADA Screens
The artist is nude except for a blonde wig. He is surrounded by glass panes covered in his own blood. Ron Athey, Self Obliteration, 2011, Ljubljana. Image credit Miha Fras. LADA Publishing, Pleading in the Blood, The Art and Performances of Ron Athey, Intellect Live, in partnership with Intellect Books
cow looking a mayor of manchester Animals of Manchester (Including Humanz), 2019. LADA, Theatre of Research for Manchester International Festival. Image by Chris Payne.

Use a title

Don’t put too much text in here. Add you viewing ten equally believe put. Separate families my on drawings do oh offended strictly elegance. Perceive jointure be mistress by jennings properly.


A title that's a little longer

Don’t put too much text in here. Friendship contrasted solicitude insipidity in introduced literature it. He seemed denote except as oppose do spring my. Between any may mention evening age shortly can ability regular.

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Super Block

Plain Block – this is the most common block to use when using a SUPER. With a plain block you can also change the background colour and text colour. Be sure to use a colour that has has been provided in the colour cheat sheet. You can also switch between left and right image with a super. As you can see here when the text matches the height of the image it works well.

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Hythe Sound Mirror, selina bonelli, with ]performance s p a c e[, Folkestone. Image by Ana Escobar

Colour Super Block

Colour Block – this creates a box with a coloured background and coloured font based on the section (this section is Black).  You can also switch between left and right image with a super. As you can see here when the text matches the height of the image it works well. With this block the button sits outside of the block.

Oreet Ashery

Super: Plain Block with colour background

This is a plain block BUT with a colour background. You set that in the options tab.

Please only use the list of colours provided below:

.page-theme-pink {
  –theme-colour: #ff128e;
  –theme-faded: #f2f2f2;

.page-theme-yellow {
  –theme-colour: #ffd900;
  –theme-faded: #f2f2f2;

.page-theme-denim {
  –theme-colour: #669ed1;
  –theme-faded: #D2E9FF;

.page-theme-coral {
  –theme-colour: #ff7166;
  –theme-faded: #f2f2f2;
.page-theme-green {
  –theme-colour: #4eab65;
  –theme-faded: #e6ffee;

cow looking a mayor of manchester Animals of Manchester (Including Humanz), 2019. LADA, Theatre of Research for Manchester International Festival. Image by Chris Payne.
small hedgehog Animals of Manchester (Including Humanz), 2019. LADA, Theatre of Research for Manchester International Festival. Image by Chris Payne.
person having their hair done by a woman with crazy pink hair
This is a wide image |
00:00 /

A Title

A description

Video Length: 90 seconds


This document contains information and guidance on the key design element of the site. It is not exhaustive and is to be used as a reference for updating the site. Since the site is now part of an iterative design process it is likely that certain elements below will change over time.
Alex Eisenberg

Lists of Content - Left Aligned

List Content

This is a custom list of content. Can be regular or compact which are different designs. Below is a regular block.


15th Anniversary Podcasts: “15 Minutes With…”

A series of short dialogues with some of the exceptional artists and thinkers that LADA has worked with

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20 x 20: Artists reflect on 20 years of Live Art, Resonance radio series

A new radio series for Resonance FM, taking place across LADA’s 20th anniversary year

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A Long Table on Live Art and Feminism

An experimental discussion format led by Lois Weaver on relations between performance and feminism.

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A Live Art and Feminism Edit-a-thon

A free Wikipedia edit-a-thon on Live Art and Feminism

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Access All Areas Public Programme

A two-day programme on Live Art and issues of disability.

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List Content More events

A Live Art Gala 2019

A fundraising gala to celebrate the Live Art Development Agency’s 20th Anniversary.

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World AIDS Day Screening – David Wojnarowicz

LADA is delighted to host the first UK screening of Self Portrait in 23 Rounds, a film about the work and life of David Wojnarowicz.

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Performing Solidarity – Making Common Cause

One of two events discussing the ways that solidarity can be organised and performed through the arts.

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MIF 2019: Animals of Manchester (including HUMANZ)

A project by Theatre of Research & LADA for Manchester International Festival 2019

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List: Chronological

This will display a chronological list of items by date.


Live Art in Rural UK

Live Art in Rural UK is a year long programme conceived by LADA’s former Director, Vivian Chinasa Ezugha. It focuses on amplifying the embodied practices of artists living and working in rural locations across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

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performingborders shares and supports experimental performative practices addressing notions and lived experiences of borders.

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Reimagining Care: 200 Questions About Care by Rubiane Maia

Rubiane Maia’s 200 Questions about Care were developed out of her research as part of the six-month residency Reimagining Care.

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Reimagining Care

LADA’s latest project Reimagining Care focuses on contemporary discourses about care and care practices, exploring how they can contribute to transforming the art sector.

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List Active

This will display a list of items which are currently active. This is based on the start and end date of an entry.

Dangerous Border Crossers: performingborders x La Pocha Nostra

02 Aug 2024

performingborders invites you to delve with them into LADA Study Room’s resources around borders and performances

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