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DIY: 2015 – Marcia Farquhar ‘Jukeboxing’

Putting the punk back into DIY – capturing the noise of the past and abandoning it to the (‘no’) future.

Project summary

A collective investigation into the sonic potential of spoken word, we will embark upon a co-operative reconfiguration of questionable gossip, misheard hearsay, fakeloric legend, and minor myth. Through this re-retelling of well-worn tales, we will attempt to unburden ourselves from the stories of the past by submitting them to a process of polyphonic revisionism. Performing an extended and contradictory family history, we will develop new multi-authored narratives from the stuck records of life’s stories.

Ultimately, we will subject these new spoken word works to a process of literal transformation, recording them digitally and setting them to 7” vinyl. Exploring the politics of the ‘you had to be there’ ephemeral and the impermanence of oral histories, this series of single edition spoken word 45’s will become a new non-hierarchical, non-linear and deeply personal audio archive.

This DIY workshop is for artists who have an interest (but not necessarily experience) in:

•            Spoken word
•            Sound work (collage, cut-up, etc)
•            Writing / storytelling
•            The voice
•            Punk
•            Aural history
•            Archival research / politics of the ephemeral
•            Collective / collaborative practice
•            Personal and collective histories and identities

Application deadline: Deadline passed.

Dates, times and location(s)

12.00pm, Saturday 5 September – Sunday 6 September, FF Harbour Hub / Dance Easy, Folkestone. Basic accommodation provided.

The artist

Marcia Farquhar is known for her work in performance, installation, video and object making. Conceptual in nature, much of her practice revolves around the stories and interactions of everyday life, as well as the engineering of unexpected social interactions in which the distance between audience and performer is frequently breached. Her site-specific events have been staged and exhibited internationally in museums and galleries, as well as in cinemas, kitchen showrooms, pubs, parks and leisure centres.

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Part of DIY: 2015

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DIY: 2015


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