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How to Shop


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Second in the Daily Life Series, How to Shop (1993) is a complete guide to the art of successful shopping presented in seven easy-to-follow stages, each giving step-by-step guidance on shopping for the well-nourished spirit. Bobby draws on her own extensive shopping expertise to offer advice on all the skills required for success, from acquiring the necessary virtues to time-saving trolley manoeuvres.

“The process for making this show was the most complex I had attempted. It was a great pleasure to work with a team of like-minded people in contrast to thinking so much on my own. We learned a great deal from touring this show so extensively. It attracted a similar amount of press interest to Kitchen Show, but this time – irritatingly – journalists wanted to talk endlessly about their own ‘trolley techniques’!” – Bobby Baker

Creative collaboration and co-direction – Polona Baloh Brown

Commissioned by LIFT

© Bobby Baker, 2008. PAL-DVD, 77 minutes.

