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The Novel of Nonel and Vovel


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Oreet Ashery is from Israel and lives in London. Larissa Sansour is from Palestine and lives in Copenhagen. These two artists have created a very special graphic novel that raises questions on artistic practice, the nature of authority and art and politics, and offers an eye-opening take on Palestine. All this assumes particular importance considering that these artists come from both sides of the Middle Eastern divide.

Nonel and Vovel, the artists’ alter egos, are given superpowers from a virus comprising their creativity; with their new powers and the help of local ninja women, they strive to save Palestine. The Novel of Nonel and Vovel presents a bold mixture of art, politics, games, sci-fi, storytelling and other experiments – all rattling and shaking up the most prevalent ideas, stereotypes and misconceptions of the Middle East.

Charta, 2009, 188 pages, 126 illustrations including 120 in full colour, 17cm x 23.5cm.
ISBN 9788881587339

