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Extravagant Bodies: Extravagant Minds



This publication features work from the interdisciplinary festival Extravagant Bodies _ Extravagant Minds, which started off in Zagreb in October 2010, exploring notions of the politics of normality with a focus on mental illness and intellectual disabilities. Based on the fact that what is normal (and what is not) is ideologically determined and deeply rooted in the structures of society, the festival tried to put into question the mere existence of disabilities, institutions, institutionalization, demarcation and borders.

Featuring: Bobby Baker, Dada Jihad, Amela Frankl, Adi Hasanbasic, David Hoyle, House of Extreme Music Theater, Paul Murray, Kim Noble and many more.

Kontejner, Zagreb, 2010. 287 pages, paperback, colour images throughout. 22cm x 16.4cm. Language: English and Croatian.

ISBN 953-95360-6-8

