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LADA’s New Space – Open Evening

LADA has been based in the East End since it was established in 1999. After five years in Hackney Wick, LADA moves into The Garrett Centre in September 2017 and begins a new chapter in its history that will strengthen its position as a Centre for Live Art — a knowledge and research centre, a production centre for programmes and publications, and an online centre for digital experimentation, representation and dissemination.

The Garrett Centre is a Unitarian mission with a significant liberal presence in the East End, sharing many of LADA’s values and interests in issues of equality, feminism, displacement, study and research.  

With increased space, LADA will be hosting expanded public events programmes, Thinker in Residence schemes, new subsidised desk spaces for Live Art producers, curators, researchers and artists, and the first physical manifestation of LADA’s internationally renowned online shop Unbound.

LADA is holding an open evening on Wednesday 11 October at 7pm to mark our arrival, get to know our new neighbours and state our intentions. This event will include presentations about LADA’s work, plans for The Garrett Centre, short films and contributions from guest artists and speakers including Anne Bean, Richard Dedomenici, Amit Rai, Jade Monserrat, Xavier De Sousa, Lois Weaver and Amy Lamé (London's Night Czar). Snacks and drinks will be served.

“LADA’s work makes me excited about performance and its potential to challenge, inspire, entertain” — David Micklem, Producer

Banner image credit:

Mansford Street Congregational Chapel (Jamie Barras) by Jamie Barras (flickr)

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