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Performance Art Faction Box Set & Digital Archive Launch

Performance ]s p a c e [, Live Art UK, and Live Art Development Agency invite you to the launch of

Performance Art Faction Box Set & Digital Archive 

Thursday 18 June
White Building, Hackney Wick, London
7 – 8.30pm
Free, but reservation essential
RSVP to: [email protected]

To celebrate the completion of ]performance s p a c e [‘s curatorial project Performance Art Faction (PAF) and the publication of the PAF box-set and digital archive, ]ps[ is hosting an event to launch the archive into the world.

Performance Art Faction (PAF) was an Arts Council England funded, nine month long holistic project made up of artist residencies, research labs, exhibitions, live performances and open platform events. PAF explored the intersections of contemporary performance art, politics and society with the aim of reawakening the innate political potential of our bodies.

With additional support from Live Art UK, ]ps[ have created a box set in a limited edition of 30, and a web archive documenting and reflecting upon the artists and activities in the Performance Art Faction project.

The publication is a homage to DIY print aesthetics and propaganda art, and includes:

  • Commissioned essays from artists/academics/agitators
  • Film & Photographic documentation
  • Open Call & Research Lab roll calls
  • PAF memorabilia
  • PAF Artists’ bios & photographs
  • ]ps[ manifesto
  • Foreward by ]ps[ Directors, credits, various reflections on the project

The launch event will include an introduction to the box-set and reflections on PAF from ]ps[ Directors Bean & Benjamin Sebastian, presentations and performances from various PAF alumni.

Wine and nibbles will be served and the box-set will be available for purchase at a special price of £30

The event has a maximum capacity of 40 places so please RSVP to [email protected] to let us know you’re coming.

After the launch the box-set will be available to purchase on the PAF website.

Box-set contributors:

Benjamin Sebastian, Francesca Lisette, Bean, Jessica Worden, Diana Damian, Robin Bale and Victoria Grey

PAF Artists:

Fabiola Paz, Jade Montserrat, Kris Grey, Amber Hawk Swanson, Hugh O’Donnell, Maria José Arjona, Arianna Ferrari, Panopoly Lab (Esther Neff and Brian McCorkle), Burmester & Feigl, Owen Parry, Carlos Salazar Lermont, Helena Walsh introducing Speaking of I.M.E.L.D.A and Aliza Shvarts

Please join the Faction and be ]ps[‘s guests for this very special moment of reflection, feeling and action.

Live Art UK is the national network of Live Art promoters and facilitators working together to support and develop the Live Art infrastructure for the benefit of artists and audiences. The network is coordinated by the Live Art Development Agency.

