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Book launches: Double Exposures

Double Exposures is a new collaborative venture between Manuel Vason and forty of the most visually arresting artists working with performance in the UK. 

Ten years after his first, groundbreaking book, Exposures, Vason has produced another extraordinary body of work, which sets out new ways of bridging performance and photography.  

Manuel Vason will be presenting the event series ‘Double Dialogues’ launch events across the USA to mark the publication of Double Exposures edited by David Evans.

Launch events will take place at Grace Exhibition Space (New York), Mobius  (Boston), Defibrillator Gallery (Chicago), Human Resources Los Angeles (Los Angeles) and SF Camerawork (San Francisco).

Drawing on Double Exposures, 'Double Dialogues' will bridge ideas of performance and photography in conversation with some of the most visually arresting artists practicing performance in the US. Q&A sessions will follow each event and a limited number of signed copies of Double Exposures will be available. 

Tour Schedule: 

10th April – with Mat Fraser & Linda Montano at Grace Exhibition Space, New York
20th April – with  Marilyn at Arsem Mobius, Boston
25th April – with  Keijaun Thomas at Defibrillator Gallery, Chicago
28th April – with  Heather Cassils & special guests Jamie McMurry, Zackery Drucker at Human Resources LA, Los Angeles
1st   May – with  Guillermo Gómez-Peña at SF Camerawork, San Fransisco

Published by the Live Art Development Agency and Intellect Books. Buy Double Exposures on Unbound

Past Launches:

Tate Britain, London
Performance, Collaboration, Photography- actions of exchange
Tuesday 17th February 2015 / 6.30pm. £12/8 conc.

An event looking at how artists work and work together, and what performance enables artists to do and to say, drawing on Manuel Vason’s extraordinary new publication Double Exposures, a collaboration with 40 of the most visually arresting artists working in performance in the UK.  

Reflecting the ways that Double Exposures images exist as doubles – pairs – diptychs, the evening brings together three pairings to discuss how photographers and artists can create new ways of bridging performance and photography; how artists can work collectively; how performance can imagine the unimaginable, tackle taboos and subvert representations of identity; and the ideas of collaboration and resistance at the heart of the project.  With Manuel Vason, Hugo Glendinning, Lois Keidan, Alastair MacLennan, Aine Phillips, Marisa Carnesky and the Famous Lauren Barri Holstein. Signed copies of the book will be available to buy on the night.

IBT Festival, Bristol
Double Exposures event as part of IBT 15, Bristol International Festival
Saturday 14th February / 6pm. Free, 
Join Double Exposures essayists Lois Keidan and Alice Maude-Roxby for an informal discussion about the publication and screenings of short film interviews with many of the books' contributing artists.

Fierce Festival, IKON Gallery, Birmingham
Sunday 12 October, 4pm – 5.30pm

Deputy Director of Ikon Gallery, Debbie Kermode hosts a short discussion about Manuel Vason’s work. Signed copies of the book will be available to purchase.

Anatomy Museum, King’s College, London
Monday, 10 November, 6.30 – 8pm

Free but must be booked in advance. 
Join the Performance Research Group at King’s College London for Talking With Images, a discussion of relationship between, and possibilities of, performance and photography with an introduction by Professor Alan Read, and a conversation between Vason, artist Rajni Shah, and scholar Lara Shalson. 

The Photographers’ Gallery, London
Friday, 14 November 2014, 6:30 – 8:30pm
£7 / £4 concs

Three pairings discuss the bridge between photography and performance from differing perspectives. Manuel Vason with David Evans; Dominic Johnson with David Bate and Julia Bardsley with Martin O'Brien. 

Compass Live Art Festival, Leeds City Art Gallery, Leeds
Wednesday 19 November, 6pm – 8pm

The Artistic Director of Compass Live Art Festival, Annie Lloyd, artist Rita Marcalo and Manuel Vason discuss live art, collaboration, documentation and the performativity of the photographic image. 

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