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12 results | Page 1 of 2

The Arts Britain still Ignores?

Artist/Author: Jerri Daboo | Digital Reference: EF5370 | Type: Digital File

Forty years since the publication of Naseem Khan’s seminal report The Arts Britain Ignores, how much has changed?

Dance and the National Lottery

Artist/Author: Nikki Crane | Reference: A0812 | Type: Article

Interview with Jeremy Newton, director of the Lottery.

Who Goes to the Dance Umbrella?

Artist/Author: Chris de Marigny | Reference: A0782 | Type: Article

De Marigny talks to Fiona Dick (Dance Umbrella Administrator) and Mark Harris, about the festival's audience survey.

Beyond Immersive Theatre: Aesthetics, Politics and Productive Participation

Artist/Author: Adam Alston | Reference: P3101 | ISBN: 978-1137480439 | Type: Publication

Does immersive theatre model a particular kind of politics, or a particular kind of audience? What’s involved in the production and consumption of immersive theatre aesthetics? Is a productive audience always an empowered audience? And do the terms of an audience’s empowerment stand up to political scrutiny?

Illiquid Assets

Artist/Author: Morgan Quaintance | Reference: A0682 | Type: Article

Pandering to the real or imagined demands of private finance distorts the art world, silencing dissent and stifling politically or socially engaged art in favour of consensus and what is known in the trade as ‘investment grade art’.

How John Browne, BP and the Old Boys Network keep the arts well-oiled.

Artist/Author: Jane Trowell | Reference: A0517 | Type: Article

This article is referenced in the Platform Study Room Guide (P1820) and can be found in the Miscellaneous Articles 4 Binder.

Take the money and run?

Artist/Author: Jane Trowell | Reference: A0516 | Type: Article

This article is referenced in the Platform Study Room Guide (P1820) and can be found in the Miscellaneous Articles 4 Binder.

The Producers - Alchemists of the Impossible

Artist/Author: Kate Tyndall | Reference: P0932 | ISBN: 978-0-7287-1347-5 | Type: Publication

Commissioned by Arts Council England and the Jerwood Charitable Foundation to celebrate and explore the role of the producer in the arts.

The Sultans Elephant

Artist/Author: Royal De luxe | Reference: D0463 | Type: DVD

ACE documentation from The Sultan’s Elephant.

