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Catalogue > By Keyword > activist

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Stakeholder Toolkit, Beta Version 1

Artist/Author: freeDimensional | Reference: P3315 | Type: Publication

Toolkit from the network of socially progressive residential artist communities.

Part of the Library of Performing Rights (LPR) (P3041).

Revolting Subjects: Social Abjection and Resistance in Neoliberal Britain

Artist/Author: Imogen Tyler | Reference: P3156 | ISBN: 978-1848138513 | Type: Publication

Explores the processes through which specific populations are figured as ‘revolting’ as well as the practices through which these populations ‘revolt’ against their subjectification.

Part of the Study Room Guide on Live Art and class and cultural privilege. (P3152)

Education for Socially Engaged Art: A Materials and Techniques Handbook

Artist/Author: Pablo Helguera | Reference: P3154 | ISBN: 978-1934978597 | Type: Publication

Drawn from empirical and extensive experience and research, the book provides a curriculum and framework for thinking about the complexity of socially engaged practices. Locating the methodologies of this work in between disciplines, Helguera draws on histories of performance, pedagogy, sociology, ethnography, linguistics, community and public practices.

Part of the Study Room Guide on Live Art and class and cultural privilege. (P3152)

Anything Boys Can Do/Mark of Ninja

Artist/Author: Antagonist Art Movement | Reference: D2165 | Type: DVD

Two documentaries covering art events and critiques conducted by the Antagonist Art Movement. Includes leaflet of Antagonist Manifesto. 

Sacred at Chelsea Theatre: Bodily Functions - The Body in Performance

Artist/Author: Various | Reference: D1709 | Type: DVD

Sacred at Chelsea Theatre: Bodily Functions – The Body in Performance, selected highlights of documentation of the body in performance from the Live Art Development Agency Study Room and Documentation Bank. This item is part of the Study Room Guide On shit, piss, blood, sweat and tears by Lois Keidan (P2195)

Art, Ethics and Cultural Value: a study room gathering

Artist/Author: various | Reference: D1530 | Type: DVD

An audio recording of Art, Ethics and Cultural Value, a study room gathering.A collaboration between the Live Art Development Agency and Platform and Malte Beisenhertz

Performance Video Intervention

Artist/Author: pvi collective | Reference: P1537 | Type: Publication

See also PVI Collective DVD Showreel catalogued under D1790.

Performing Idea: Living Archives

Artist/Author: Janez Janša, Gavin Butt | Reference: D2104 | Type: DVD

Performance Matters, Performing Idea – Living Archives6th OctoberLiving Archives 3:00-7:30pmToynbee StudiosWith: Anne Bean, Rose English, Hannah Hurtzig, Janez Jan a and Heike Roms Gripped by a kind of ‘archive fever’, contemporary art and culture is driven by the desire to document, store and preserve. The archive is now a vast global edifice, crossing cultures and forms and reaching further and further into the past. Fleeting exchanges and moments are everywhere evidenced in contemporary art’s multiple but unstable papers, artefacts and traces. But what happens to the life of art in its archival forms? What is the archive doing with performance, performers with the archive? Speakers will address the relation between artists and the archival drive, the artist’s experiences and body as a kind of living archive.

Podpis Signature

Artist/Author: Janez Janša, Janez Jansa, Janez Jan a. | Reference: P1487 | Type: Publication

This item is referenced in the Dreams for an Institution Guide (P2313).

