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Catalogue > By Keyword > age

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The English Channel

Artist/Author: Liz Aggiss | Digital Reference: EF5211 | Type: Digital File

This story of a career forged in the heady waters of performance art and dance-film depicts Aggiss resuscitating herself back into the on-stage limelight. In the process, she becomes an unwitting channel for wilful women and forgotten archives; a conduit for hidden histories and buried truths. 

Clips; 4:44.

Seven Women Standing in The Way

Artist/Author: Annika Ström | Digital Reference: EF5184 | Type: Digital File

Short film of the performance. Filmed at Duh? Art & Stupidity show at Focal Point Gallery, Southend on Sea, November 2015. 

The Only Way Home Is Through the Show: Performance Work of Lois Weaver

Editor: Lois Weaver and Jen Harvie | Reference: P2847 | ISBN: 978-1-78320-534-9 | Type: Publication

The book explores Weaver’s collaborative work with Split Britches and Spiderwoman as well as her solo projects, performance interventions, and work as a facilitator, teacher, and as Tammy WhyNot.


Digital Reference: EF5171 | Type: Digital File

Video recording of Liz Aggiss’s stand-up dance/Live Art performance “A Bit of Slap and Tickle” followed by a conversation and screening with LADA of seminal works by older women artists, including Bobby Baker and Anne Bean.

Cut with Kitchen Knife: a bit of slap and tickle

Artist/Author: Liz Aggiss | Digital Reference: EF5119 | Type: Digital File

Two parts documentation of performance offering varied interpretations on the aging female solo performing body. Presented in the context of “Fem Fresh” (Sunday 8 June 2014), a collaboration between Queen Mary, University of London and the Live Art Development Agency, featuring presentations and dialogues on, about, and around feminism and age in Live Art.

La Congelada de Uva: Performances

Artist/Author: Rocío Boliver | Digital Reference: EF5109 | Type: Digital File

Compilation of exerpts of performaces by the controversial performance artist from Mexico.

Veil: Veiling, Representation and Contemporary Art

Artist/Author: David A Bailey | Reference: P2609 | ISBN: 978-0262523486 | Type: Publication

Publication that accompanies an exhibition organized by the Institute of International Visual Arts in London, explores the representation of the veil in contemporary visual arts.

Aroused: A Collection of Erotic Writing

Artist/Author: Karen Finley | Reference: P2499 | ISBN: 1560252820 | Type: Publication

An anthology of erotica, sexual culture, passionate texts, sensual encounters and essays on gender bending.


Editor: Liveartwork editions | Reference: D1874 | Type: DVD

This is a ‘double DVD’ contains documentation of 9 performances plus a PDF document containing 7 essays including interviews with the artists and texts about the development of experimental performance in Spain. ¡POESÍACCIÓN! was an event at the Institute Cervantes in Berlin 2011. The artists featured on the DVD are: Esther Ferrer, J. M. Calleja, Bartolomé Ferrando, Lucía Peiró, Nieves Correa, Joan Casellas, Isabel León, Edu Hurtado and Andrés Galeano. Titles in English and Spanish

To Age

Artist/Author: Laura Lima | Reference: D1642 | Type: DVD

A project that aged the front of house staff at Chapter Arts Centre.

