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Catalogue > By Keyword > animality

3 results | Page 1 of 1

The Stage Lives of Animals

Artist/Author: Una Chaudhuri | Reference: P3763 | ISBN: 978-1138818477 | Type: Publication

Examines what it might mean to make theatre beyond the human.

‘We keep our biologies intimate’ : Zoedramatics in bio/interspecies performance

Artist/Author: Eve Katsouraki | Editor: Nicolas Salazar Sutil | Reference: A0743 | Type: Article

Draws on Kira O’Reilly’s on-going bio-art performance experimentations and Matthew Herbert’s experimental music performance One Pig to rethink the theoretical and performative engagement with animals and the vitality of life in its broadest sense.

Singularities: Dance in the Age of Performance

Artist/Author: Andre Lepecki | Reference: P2985 | ISBN: 978-1138907713 | Type: Publication

Lepecki surveys a decade of experimental choreography to uncover the dual meaning of ‘performance’ in the twenty-first century: not just an aesthetic category, but a mode of political power. He demonstrates the enduring ability of performance to critique and subvert this power, examining this relationship through five ‘singularities’ in contemporary dance: thingness, animality, persistence, darkness, and solidity.

