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Catalogue > By Keyword > art

97 results | Page 4 of 10

Interview with members of the initiative Direct Democracy in schools

Artist/Author: Branka Ćurčić | Reference: A0634 | Type: Article

A discussion dealing with the topics of art in the Croatian educational context. Interviewees Dijana Curkovic, Hrvoje Juric, Martina Kontosic, Andreja Kuluncic, Zdravko Popovic, Izvor Rukavina talk about their experiences of self-organisation in the field of institutional education and the role of art in education.

Experimental Eating

Artist/Author: Thomas Howells | Reference: P2718 | ISBN: 978-1908966407 | Type: Publication

The book encompasses unusual and cutting-edge foods, radical dining events, “kitchen laboratory” experiments, food sculptures and other documentation of the transient moments that make up this field of experimentation’, as well as a study of the connections between dining, theatre and ritual, and a survey of recent research in science and technology, and how this may impact on how we make, eat and perceive food.

Staging Capital

Artist/Author: Andrew Haydon | Reference: A0624 | Type: Article

From Intervention to Infrastructure

Artist/Author: ArtLeaks | Reference: A0625 | Type: Article

A conversation between the founders of Artleaks platform as an example of an organization of artistic workers struggling against exploitation, together with the limitations which such coming together into an association necessarily implies, from the difficulty of union organizing of the so-called creative workers to the lack of political force that would press for the transformation of social relations.

Encounters Beyond Text: Art Transforming Lives

Editor: Paul Heritage and Gary Stewart | Reference: P2691 | ISBN: 978-0956789938 | Type: Publication

Catalogue of a practice-based research project under the direction of Paul Heritage that aims to create a live and interactive exhibition illustrating and investigating how young people transform their worlds through the arts.

Take the Money and Run? a response to an event about ethics, funding and art

Artist/Author: Mary Paterson | Reference: P2692 | Type: Publication

Take The Money And Run? was an event about ethics, funding and art that took place at Toynbee Studios, London on January 29, 2015 – a day of presentations and discussion hosted by three organisations, Live Art Development Agency, Artsadmin, Home Live Art and produced in collaboration with Platform. This is Mary Paterson commissioned written response to the event.

Paying Artists – Securing a future for visual arts in the UK

Artist/Author: a-n The Artists Information Company | Reference: P2687 | Type: Publication

This report defines practical steps and frameworks for good practice of collaboration between visual artists, publicly-funded institutions, communities and audiences.

Disagree. - a critical magazine on arts and society

Artist/Author: Disagree. Art assembly | Reference: P2682 | Type: Publication

The Disagree. magazine is a result of the cooperation between a changing group of artists, curators, and theoreticians operating fully independently.  They join forces under the name of the Disagree. Art assembly.  Those who write for the Disagree. magazine automatically become part of the editing team and thus of the assembly.  The editors of the first issue are Jeff Poak, Jean Gotthard, Harald Pogel, Nazim Besikci, Jana Tupivic, Anna Siegel.

The Curator’s Handbook

Artist/Author: Adrian George | Reference: P2667 | ISBN: 978-0500239285 | Type: Publication

The essential practical handbook for all those involved in, or studying, the dynamic field of curating

Truth is Concrete A Handbook for Artistic Strategies in Real Politics

Editor: steirischer herbst & Florian Malzacher | Reference: P2651 | ISBN: 978-3-943365-84-9 | Type: Publication

This publication charts very different tactics and strategies, written by practitioners from all over the world, mapping the broad field of engaged art and artistic activism in our times. Essays by Stephen Duncombe & Steve Lambert, Alanna Lockward, Florian Malzacher, Chantal Mouffe, Gerald Raunig and Jonas Staal.


activism Adbusters Ahmet Öğüt Andre Lepecki Andrea Fraser Andrew Boyd Andy Bichlbaum Anna Jermolaeva Antanas Mockus art Artleaks Artúr van Balen Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius Carl Hegemann Center for Political Beauty Charles Esche Christine Gaigg Chto Delat? Church of Kopimism Church of Stop Shopping Claire Tancons Collective Authorship Corina L. Apostol Corrupt Tour Diedrich Diederichsen direct action Dmitry Vilensky Erdem Gunduz Federico Geller FEMEN Florian Schneider Forensic Architecture Frank Apunkt Schneider FreeDoc Gabriella Csoszó Ganzeer Geert Lovink Gregory Sholette Guillermo Gómez-Peña Hans Haacke Hector Aristizábal Iconoclasistas Inna Shevchenko International Institute of Political Murder Irit Rogoff Isabelle Frémeaux Jacob Wren Janez Janša Janice Kerbel Jasmina Metwaly Jean-Luc Moulène Jeudi Noir Jisun Kim Joana Mazza Joanna Warsza John Jordan Jonathan Allen Justin Hoffmann Kàddu Yaraax Kalle Lasn Katherine Ball Kavecs Khaled Hourani Khaled Jarrar knowledge Kostis Stafylakis Krzysztof Wodiczko Kuba Szreder La Pocha Nostra Lawrence Liang Leah Borromeo Leónidas Martín Lexxus Légal Liberate Tate Marina Grzinic Marina Naprushkina Marina Vishmidt Matteo Lucchetti Michal Murin Mierle Laderman Ukeles Minerva Cuevas Mladen Stilinović Monochrom Mosireen Collective Ned Rossiter Neil Cummings Neue Slowenische Kunst Noah Fischer Nuria Guell Observatório de Favelas Occuprint Office for Anti-Propaganda Oliver Marchart Omer Krieger Philipp Ruch Pixadores Public Movement Pussy Riot Rabih Mroué Raivo Puusemp raumlaborberlin Recetas Urbanas Reverend Billy Richard Reynolds Robyn Orlin Saki Bailey Salam Yousry Santiago Cirugeda Sérgio Miguel Franco Shared Inc. Sibylle Peters Slavoj Žižek Srđa Popović Stefano Harney Stephen Wright Stevphen Shukaitis Susan Schuppli Tania Bruguera Teatro Valle The Haircut Before The Party The Institute for Human Activities the laboratory of insurrectionary imagination The Pinky Show The Silent University the vacuum cleaner The Yes Men Thomas Meinecke Toma Sik Tomislav Medak Tools for Action Udi Aloni Ultra-red WochenKlausur Wu Yuren Yekaterina Samutsevich

