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Catalogue > By Keyword > audience

323 results | Page 3 of 33

The Star of the Show: Trademark, theatricality and ‘the grandmother of performance art’

Artist/Author: Bryony White | Reference: A0881 | Type: Article

Explores how Marina Abramović has subtly incorporated the law to her economic and professional advantage.

Shortlist LIVE! Issue 1

Editor: Heidi Backström | Reference: P4064 | ISBN: 9871916424371 | Type: Publication

Publication on a new entity of events as part of ANTI Festival, where the artists shortlisted for the International Prize of Live Art present their work.

In English and Finnish.

Awkwoods: Daniel Oliver’s Dyspraxic Adventures in Participatory Performance

Artist/Author: Daniel Oliver | Editor: Daniel Oliver | Reference: P4051 | ISBN: 978-1-9164243-5-7 | Type: Publication

Daniel Oliver is dyspraxic and he creates awkward participatory performance worlds.This book documents some of those worlds, as well as bringing together critical and creative responses  to them.

Audition Project

Artist/Author: Miss High Leg Kick, Richard DeDomenici | Digital Reference: EF5335 | Type: Digital File

Brought together 75 UK based artists onto the Birmingham Hippodrome stage in a snapshot of the performing arts in 2016. Over the course of a single day they learnt and re­created the opening audition scene from the 1985 film 'A Chorus Line'. 

Part of LADA Screens 12. The film was available online  9 ­- 22 June 2016 on the LADA Screens Channel. Includes two version of the video, in two different resolutions.

Not And I

Artist/Author: Reynir Hutber | Digital Reference: EF5331 | Type: Digital File

A short video derived from the photographs, rehearsal footage and other documentation of And I – a single channel eight-hour video of Marcia Farquhar speaking without edits of sustained pauses.

Part of LADA Screens 7.The film was availble online between 24 Feb and 9 March on the LADA Screens Channel.

The Twenty-First Century Performance Reader

Editor: Teresa Brayshaw, Anna Fenemore, and Noel Witts | Reference: P4028 | ISBN: 978-1138785342 | Type: Publication

Combines extracts from over 70 international practitioners, companies, collectives and makers from the fields of dance, theatre, music, live and performance art, and activism to form a sourcebook for students, researchers and practitioners.

Sensual Excess: Queer Femininity and Brown Jouissance

Artist/Author: Amber Jamilla Musser | Reference: P4027 | ISBN: 9781479830954 | Type: Publication

Works against the framing of black and brown bodies as sexualized, objectified, and abject, and offers multiple ways of thinking with and through sensation and aesthetics.

Part of the Library of Performing Rights (P3041).

Engaging the Audience

Artist/Author: Heather J. Denyer | Reference: A0861 | Type: Article

On Under the Radar Festival, 4-15 January 2017.

A Ridiculous Look at the History of American Song

Artist/Author: Kelly Aliano | Reference: A0860 | Type: Article

On Taylor Mac: a 24-Decade History of Popular Music

Tele Encounters: Telepresence and Migration

Editor: Marina Diana Hanganu | Reference: P4024 | Type: Publication

Publication on the artistic research platform aiming to explore family relationships within the context of migration and to contribute to the development of telepresence (technologically mediated presence) as an artistic idiom.

Part of Library of Performing Rights (P3041).

