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Catalogue > By Keyword > body art

200 results | Page 8 of 20

Valie Export

Artist/Author: Valie Export | Reference: P2246 | ISBN: 9782914157766 | Type: Publication

interviews and documentation of Valie Export’s work

Bodily Functions In Performance Study Room Guide

Artist/Author: Lois Keidan | Reference: P2195 | Type: Publication

Shit, piss, blood, sweat and tears is a new Study Room Guide compiled by Lois Keidan on the theme of bodily functions in performance. The Guide consists of notes from Lois Keidan's presentation for Blackmarket No 11 2008, with added images and recommendations for further research and study

From Death to Death and Other Small Tales

Reference: P2185 | ISBN: 978-1-906270-57-5 | Type: Digital File

Masterpieces from the Scottish National Gallery of Art and D. Daskalopolous Collection.

Body: Language No. 4

Artist/Author: Jonathan Burrows, Matteo Fargion | Editor: Emma Gladstone | Reference: P2181 | ISBN: 978-0-9574931-3-1 | Type: Publication

Body: Language is a series of public conversations in which choreographers and artists consider the role of the body in their work. This edition features a conversation between series curator Guy Cools, Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion about the musical body.

Staging Black Feminisms: Identity, Politics, Performance

Artist/Author: Lynette Goddard | Reference: P2177 | ISBN: 978-1-4039-8640-5 | Type: Publication

Staging Black Feminisms sets out to challenge perceptions of black women’s theatre work as inherently feminist. Drawing on black feminist theories of identity and theories of black and feminist performance form, it analyses key themes such as migration, motherhood, sexuality, mixed race identity and interracial relationships in a range of late-twentieth and early twenty-first century black British women’s plays and performances.

Radical Gestures: Feminism and Performance Art in North America

Artist/Author: Jayne Werk | Reference: P2183 | ISBN: 978-0-7735-3066-9 | Type: Publication

In Radical Gestures, the first comprehensive history of feminist performance art in North America within the social context of the feminist movement and avant-garde art from the 1970s to 2000, Jayne Werk shows that artists drew from feminist politics to create works that, following a long period of modernist aesthetic detachment, made a unique contribution to the re-politicization of art.

La historia de Ronald el Payaso de McDonals

Artist/Author: Rodrigo Garcia / La Carniceria Teatro | Reference: D2068 | Type: DVD

Body Refuse

Artist/Author: Niko Raes | Reference: D2054 | Type: DVD

For more on Niko Raes’ work, go to Niko Raes is an Antwerp-based artist. Working with his own body in Live Art, Photography, Video and sculpture.

If You Want Bigger Yorkshire Puddings You Need a Bigger Tin

Artist/Author: Lucy Hutson | Reference: D2053 | Type: DVD

Point. 1: I was just listening to Radio 4 telling me about komodo dragons laying virgin birth eggs, and David Attenborough once taught me about a plant at the bottom of a sea that grows flowers, which become jellyfish, that then give birth to seeds that become plants.

Point. 2: I am a makeshift domestic goddess and my life is in a makeshift world, I’ve got all the right whisks and piping bags, but my apron is stained.

If You Want Bigger Yorkshires You Need a Bigger Tin is a show about Lucy’s ‘to trans, or not to trans’ search for her femininity.

