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Catalogue > By Keyword > border

65 results | Page 3 of 7

Seeing Power

Artist/Author: Nato Thompson | Reference: P3135 | ISBN: 978-1612190440 | Type: Publication

A fog of information and images has flooded the world: from advertising, television, radio and film to the information glut produced by the new economy. With the rise of social networking, contemporaries, peers and friends are all suddenly selling us the ultimate product: themselves. Thompson interrogates the implications of these developments for those dedicated to socially engaged art and activism.

Part of the Study Room Guide on Live Art and Displacement (P3107).

We Roma - a Critical Reader in Contemporary Art

Editor: Daniel Baker and Maria Hlavajova | Reference: P3112 | ISBN: 978-9077288160 | Type: Publication

Inquires into the contemporary moment through the lens of Roma artistic and intellectual practices, gathering knowledge from the Roma way of life.

Part of the Study Room Guide on Live Art and Displacement (P3107).

‘Illegal’ Traveller: An Auto-Ethnography of Borders

Artist/Author: Shahram Khosravi | Reference: P3126 | ISBN: 978-0230336742 | Type: Publication

Explores the issue of borders and border crossing in the era of globalization and transnationalism, analyzing how the nation-state system regulates movements of people.

Part of the Study Room Guide on Live Art and Displacement (P3107).

Latifa Echakhch

Editor: Florence Derieux | Reference: P3114 | ISBN: 978-3037642009 | Type: Publication

The artist investigates cultural transfer and displaced identity through installation, sculpture, video and performance, culturally stereotyping artefacts such as flagpoles, Moroccan tea glasses and India ink in her art. Exhibition catalogue.

Part of the Study Room Guide on Live Art and Displacement (P3107).

Performance in Place of War

Artist/Author: James Thompson, Jenny Hughes and Michael Balfour | Reference: P3134 | ISBN: 978-1906497149 | Type: Publication

The book looks at theatre and performances that often occur quite literally as bombs are falling, as well as during times of ceasefire and in the aftermath of hostilities. Includes interviews with artists, short play extracts, and photographs.

Part of the Study Room Guide on Live Art and Displacement (P3107).

A Field Guide for Female Interrogators

Artist/Author: Coco Fusco | Reference: P3120 | ISBN: 978-1583227800 | Type: Publication

Combining an art project with critical commentary, Fusco addresses the role of women in the war on terror and explores how female sexuality is being used as a weapon against Islamic terrorists. Using details drawn from actual accounts of detainee treatment in US military prisons, Fusco conceives a field guide of instructional drawings that prompts questions regarding the moral dilemma of torture in general and the use of female sexuality specifically.

Part of the Study Room Guide on Live Art and Displacement (P3107).

Fiction Reconstructed: Eastern Europe, Post-Socialism & the Retro-Avant-Garde

Artist/Author: Marina Grzinic | Reference: P3122 | ISBN: 978-3852661537 | Type: Publication

A radical theorization of a particular (Eastern European) position / repoliticization, this book offers a very detailed inquiry into specific Post-Socialist art and media strategies.
Part of the Study Room Guide on Live Art and Displacement (P3107).

