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Catalogue > By Keyword > BP

14 results | Page 1 of 2

Not so Green Capitalism : Disobedience Against Artwashing

Artist/Author: Fossil Free Culture NL | Editor: Mike Pope, Noëlie Audi-Dor, Amit Singh | Reference: A0922 | Type: Article

Article in Consented Issue 9 : Environment

Confronting the Institution in Performance: Liberate Tate’s Hidden Figures

Artist/Author: Liberate Tate | Reference: A0720 | Type: Article

Weaves together the various voices for the art collective to offer readers both an analysis and an experience of the group’s performance: the inner voice of the performance; the critical voice of the witness; and the frustrating redactions reflecting Tate and BP’s hidden contracts.

Illiquid Assets

Artist/Author: Morgan Quaintance | Reference: A0682 | Type: Article

Pandering to the real or imagined demands of private finance distorts the art world, silencing dissent and stifling politically or socially engaged art in favour of consensus and what is known in the trade as ‘investment grade art’.

Artwash: Big Oil and the Arts

Artist/Author: Mel Evans | Reference: P2872 | ISBN: 978-0745335889 | Type: Publication

Published on the fifth anniversary of the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster, Artwash is an intervention into the unsavoury role of the Big Oil company’s sponsorship of the arts in Britain.

Birthmark Exhibition Guide

Artist/Author: Liberate Tate | Reference: P2858 | Type: Publication

Birthmark  – a live unsanctioned performance was performed in the 1840s gallery of ‘A BP Walk Through British Art’ at Tate Britain on the 28th November, 2015, the start of the Paris climate talks.

Take the money and run (short video)

Digital Reference: EF5179 | Type: Digital File

Documentation from the event about ethics, funding and art that took place at Toynbee Studios, London, on January 29, 2015. 5 minutes.

Take the money and run (long video)

Digital Reference: EF5178 | Type: Digital File

Documentation from the event about ethics, funding and art that took place at Toynbee Studios, London, on January 29, 2015. 40 minutes.

How John Browne, BP and the Old Boys Network keep the arts well-oiled.

Artist/Author: Jane Trowell | Reference: A0517 | Type: Article

This article is referenced in the Platform Study Room Guide (P1820) and can be found in the Miscellaneous Articles 4 Binder.

Study Room Guide: Take the Money and Run? Some Positions on Ethics, Business Sponsorship and Making

Artist/Author: Jane Trowell, Platform | Reference: P1820 | Type: Publication

There are lots of guides for artists on how to earn a living from art or how to raise funds to support making it, but few which help us ask what the ethical implications are of the routes we choose. In this Study Room Guide, arts, social justice and environmental group Platform has selected some key texts that they think are useful in helping to position yourself ethically with regard to financing or supporting artistic practice through business or corporate sponsorship.

