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Catalogue > By Keyword > death

119 results | Page 3 of 12

Weight of the Earth: The Tape Journals of David Wojnarowicz

Editor: Lisa Darms and David O'Neill | Reference: P3662 | ISBN: 9781635900170 | Type: Publication

At the height of the AIDS epidemic, Wojnarowicz began keeping audio journals, returning to a practice he'd begun in his youth. The publication presents transcripts of these tapes, documenting the artist's turbulent attempts to understand his anxieties and passions, and tracking his thoughts as they develop in real time.

Part of the Library of Performing Rights (P3041)

No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive

Artist/Author: Lee Edelman | Reference: P3565 | ISBN: 978-0822333692 | Type: Publication

Argues that the child, understood as innocence in need of protection, represents the possibility of the future against which the queer is positioned as the embodiment of a relentlessly narcissistic, antisocial, and future-negating drive. Boldly insists that the efficacy of queerness lies in its very willingness to embrace this refusal of the social and political order.

An Occupation of Loss

Artist/Author: Taryn Simon | Reference: P3556 | ISBN: 9783775743198 | Type: Publication

A detailed record of the years the artist spent researching professional mourning, which culminated in a performance co-commissioned by the Park Avenue Armory and Artangel.

Part of the Library of Performing Rights (LPR) (P3041).

Book of Medicine

Artist/Author: Bob Flanagan | Reference: P3562 | ISBN: 9781532359057 | Type: Publication

A genuine, humorous, and powerful reflection on love, life, death, and “fighting sickness with sickness.” Edited and compiled by Sheree Rose and Rhiannon Aarons.

“Not/There”: Croce, Criticism, and the Culture Wars

Artist/Author: Roger Copeland | Reference: A0814 | Type: Article

Rekindles the debate about 'victim art' through an analysis on Arlene Croce's essay 'Discussing the Undiscussible'. 

Kazuo Ohno and Butoh Dance

Artist/Author: Lizzie Slater | Reference: A0788 | Type: Article

Traces the origins and development of the Japanese form of dance theatre.

Emergency INDEX Vol 6

Editor: Yelena Gluzman, Sophia Cleary, Katie Gaydos | Reference: P3474 | ISBN: 978-1-937027-98-8 | Type: Publication

In each annual volume, contributors document works made in the previous year. By including performances regardless of their country of origin, genre, aims, or popularity, INDEX reveals the breathtaking variety of practices used in performance work today.

Confessions of a Recovering Data Collector

Editor: Ellie Harrison, Hannah Jones | Reference: P3422 | ISBN: ISBN 978-0955749131 | Type: Publication

For over five years Harrison documented and recorded information about nearly every aspect of her daily routine, amassing reams of data in the process. But these laborious, demanding and introverted processes took their toll. Something had to give. Ellie had to quit!

Creating Ourselves: Works from the ISelf Collection

Editor: Emily Butler and Candy Stobbs | Reference: P3323 | ISBN: 978-0854882571 | Type: Publication

From Surrealist selfies to feminist self-portraiture, the ISelf Collection explores identity and the human condition through the central themes of birth, death, sexuality, love, pain and joy. Taking the display of the collection at Whitechapel Gallery as its springboard, this book looks generally at the question of the self in modern and contemporary art, and the ways in which artists are thinking about being and identity as an individual, in relation to others, to society and the wider world.


Artist/Author: Helene Cixous | Reference: P3258 | ISBN: 978-0415345453

The essays explore the broad range of poetico-philosophical questions that have long been circulating in the Cixousian universe: the self and the other, autobiographies of writing, love’s labors lost and found, sexual difference, feminism and feminine hours, the prehistory of the work of art and reading the visual arts, animal (w)rites and trans-species relations, literary theory, post-colonial theory, death and life.

