Artist/Author: Gigi Argyropoulou with Hypatia Vourloumis | Reference: D2024 | Type: DVD
British Library Sound Archive recording and documentation of Potentials of Performance events (26-27 October 2012). This third themed year of the Performance Matters project features a vibrant series of commissions exploring and exploding the dialogue as a potential format for thinking through and testing possible futures. Civic Zones is an act of collective mapping manifested in multiple forms: a cartographic archive of sites of potentiality, future actions and disjointed civic spaces. Drawing on a dialogue and experience of the current struggles in Greece, Gigi Argyropoulou and Hypatia Vourloumis explore how civic spaces are constituted and examine notions of disobedience, occupancy and public space through a series of collective contexts.
Liberate Tate explre the role of their creative intervention for social change focusing primarily on the connection of art institutions (Tate) with the oil industry. In Miscellaneous Article 4 folder.