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Catalogue > By Keyword > economy

131 results | Page 9 of 14

Manual Labours: The Complaining Body

Editor: Jenny Richards and Sophie Hope | Reference: P2949 | ISBN: 978-0-9570282-4-1 | Type: Publication

Third publication for the research project exploring physical and emotional relationships to work, focused on the process, findings and analysis of an 18 month long investigation into the physical and emotional affects of complaining, receiving complaints and not being able to complain in the context of work.

Published alongside an exhibition at the Peltz Gallery (6 February – 3 March 2016).

I Hate America! (I Love America): Who Owns Myth, Pop, Money, Race & Terror in the Land of the Free

Artist/Author: Lucky Pierre | Digital Reference: EF5207 | Type: Digital File

Video from a six-month collaboration and conversation between artists in the UK and the US which culminated on November 30, 2013 in concurrent daylong events in London and Chicago.

Part of DIY 13; project developed by Lucky Pierre.


D.I.Y Too

Editor: Robert Jude Daniels | Reference: P2874 | ISBN: 978-1907852367 | Type: Publication

A new book about “do it yourself” performance, with contributions made by over 30 arts practitioners and collectives. It’s a sequel of sorts – or rather; a continuation – to a recent text that platformed a growing community of voices in theatre, art, dance and performance making.

One Morning In May - documentation

Artist/Author: Noëmi Lakmaier | Digital Reference: EF5182 | Type: Digital File

On Monday 28 May 2012, Noëmi Lakmaier undertook a slow and exhausting test of endurance – an attempt to crawl from Toynbee Studios towards ‘The Gherkin’.

Film: Hydar Dewachi. 14:39

Schizoproduction: Artistic Research and Performance in the Context of Immanent Capitalism

Artist/Author: Tero Nauha | Reference: P2833 | ISBN: 978-9526670690 | Type: Publication

Written part of a doctoral dissertation, presenting the artistic works (performances, live-art projects and works on video ) and setting them in a larger context. The research presents the transformation that has taken place starting from the industrialism and modernism.

Revolutionary Time and the Avant Garde

Artist/Author: John Roberts | Reference: P2810 | ISBN: 978-1781689134 | Type: Publication

The first book of its kind to look at the legacy of the avant-garde in relation to the deepening crisis of capitalist non-reproduction.

BBC Music John Peel Lecture

Artist/Author: Brian Eno | Reference: A0639 | Type: Article

Brian Eno examines the ecology of culture and seeks to demonstrate how the whole complex of individuals and institutions engaged in culture – artists, broadcasters, gallerists, promoters, DJs, managers, lawyers, fans – are symbiotically connected parts of a single huge organism which we call Culture. Miscellaneous folder #5A.

Enriching Britain: Culture, Creativity and Growth

Artist/Author: Jonothan Neelands, et al. | Reference: P2686 | ISBN: 978-0-9570404-8-9 | Type: Publication

This report brings together the findings of a series of public and private meetings with artists, creative and cultural professionals, economists, business leaders and other stakeholders, backed up by targeted research.

Labour Practices

Artist/Author: Mary Paterson | Digital Reference: EF5096 | Type: Digital File

Documentation of the event as part of the programme of the At Your Service exhibition at The David Roberts Art Foundation looking at the ways in which artists use ideas of service and labour as creative strategies, and considered the ethics of recruiting the labour of others in works of art.

Value, Measure, Sustainability

Artist/Author: Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt, Common Practice | Reference: A0537 | Type: Article

A guide about the future of the small-scale visual arts sector, outlining economic and social understandings of value, measuring the value of arts organizations and sustainability.

