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Catalogue > By Keyword > ethnicity

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Monica Ross: An Act of Memory

Artist/Author: Lois Keidan | Reference: A0632 | Type: Article

Lois Keidan discusses “Anniversary – an act of memory”, Monica Ross’s most recent series of work that took the form of a series of recitations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) from 2005 until her death in 2013. of Acts of Memory. 

Erotic Ambiguities – The Female Nude in Art

Artist/Author: Helen McDonald | Reference: P2498 | ISBN: 0415170990 | Type: Publication

A study of how contemporary women artists have reconceptualised the figure of the female nude.

Cultural Diversity in the Arts – Art, Art Policies and the Facelift of Europe

Editor: Ria Lavrijsen | Reference: P2020 | ISBN: 90-6832-244-3 | Type: Publication

This book presents the proceedings of the International Conference on ‘Cultural Diversity in the Arts’ held in Amsterdam on February 9 and 10, 1993.

English is Broken Here – Notes on Cultural Fusion in the Americas

Artist/Author: Coco Fusco | Reference: P2024 | ISBN: 9781565842458 | Type: Publication

Fusco undermines notions of a monolithic Latino identity by examining the role of race in a broad spectrum of Latin American, U.S. and (to a lesser extent) British black and Latino culture and art. This result in a pastiche of autobiographical political essays and art criticism along with transcripts of performance pieces developed in collaboration with performance artist and poet Guillermo Gomez-Peña. These include Andres Serrano, Pepon Osorio, Lorna Simpson, Graciela Iturbide, Lourdes Grobet, Yolanda Andrade, Juan Sanchez, Ana Mendieta, Catalina Parra and the film collectives Black Audio and Sankofa.

This is Where I Live – The Past, Present and Future of Multi-ethnic Britain

Reference: D1927 | Type: DVD

This CD-Rom is a virtual exhibition and teaching resource showcasing a citizenship project providing young people with a platform to express their views through the arts on issues of multiculturalism.

Warrior for Gringostrika

Artist/Author: Guillermo Gómez-Peña | Reference: P1995 | ISBN: 9781555971991 | Type: Publication

A collection of essays, manifestos, performance texts and poetry.

The New World Border – Prophesies, Poems & Loqueras for the End of the Century

Artist/Author: Guillermo Gómez-Peña | Reference: P1989 | ISBN: 9780872863132 | Type: Publication

Collection of essays poems, and performance texts exploring the notion of hybrid culture.

Whose Underground? Asian Cool and the Poverty of Hybridity

Artist/Author: Ali Nobil Ahmad | Reference: A0383 | Type: Article

Also in this issue, articles on Ali G, ‘performing black’ (Rachel Garfield – ‘Just Who Does He Think He Is?’) and on ‘The Living Archive’.

Arnold Circus Centenary

Artist/Author: Friends of Arnold Circus | Reference: P1519 | Type: Publication

A book on the the Boundary Estate’s historic garden and bandstand.

