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Catalogue > By Keyword > French Revolution

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Artist/Author: Carolyn Steedman | Reference: P3628 | ISBN: 978-0719060151 | Type: Publication

Drawing on over five years worth of her own published and unpublished writing, the author has produced a sustained argument about the way in which history writing belongs to the currents of thought shaping the modern world.

The Bastille Dances

Artist/Author: Station House Opera | Reference: D2032 | Type: DVD

For short edited version see REF. D1898.

The Bastille Dances

Artist/Author: Station House Opera | Digital Reference: DB0048 | Type: Digital File

Documentation Bank: Station House Opera

Artist/Author: Station House Opera | Digital Reference: DB0049 | Type: Digital File

Part of the ‘Documentation Bank’ Collection, an extensive range of artists’ ‘Talking Heads’, documentation of key works, and a selection of Agency projects:

Talking Heads: Station House Opera

Artist/Author: Station House Opera | Digital Reference: DB0050 | Type: Digital File

‘Talking Heads’ are short presentations by artists to camera about their practice and approaches to making. The ‘Talking Heads’ films are part of the Agency’s ‘Documentation Bank’ Collection, which consists of an extensive range of artists’ ‘Talking Heads’ films, documentation of artists’ works and a selection of Agency projects:

