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Catalogue > By Keyword > gender

749 results | Page 29 of 75

‘Illegal’ Traveller: An Auto-Ethnography of Borders

Artist/Author: Shahram Khosravi | Reference: P3126 | ISBN: 978-0230336742 | Type: Publication

Explores the issue of borders and border crossing in the era of globalization and transnationalism, analyzing how the nation-state system regulates movements of people.

Part of the Study Room Guide on Live Art and Displacement (P3107).

A Field Guide for Female Interrogators

Artist/Author: Coco Fusco | Reference: P3120 | ISBN: 978-1583227800 | Type: Publication

Combining an art project with critical commentary, Fusco addresses the role of women in the war on terror and explores how female sexuality is being used as a weapon against Islamic terrorists. Using details drawn from actual accounts of detainee treatment in US military prisons, Fusco conceives a field guide of instructional drawings that prompts questions regarding the moral dilemma of torture in general and the use of female sexuality specifically.

Part of the Study Room Guide on Live Art and Displacement (P3107).

Emergency INDEX Vol 5

Editor: Yelena Gluzman, Sophia Cleary, Katie Gaydos | Reference: P3098 | ISBN: 978-1-937027-75-9 | Type: Publication

In each annual volume, contributors document works made in the previous year. By including performances regardless of their country of origin, genre, aims, or popularity, INDEX reveals the breathtaking variety of practices used in performance work today.

Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza

Artist/Author: Gloria Anzaldua | Reference: P3110 | ISBN: 978-1879960855 | Type: Publication

Rooted in Anzaldua’s experience as a Chicana, a lesbian, an activist, and a writer, the essays and poems in this volume profoundly challenge how we think about identity. Borderelands remaps our understanding of what a “border” is, presenting it not as a simple divide between here and there, us and them, but as a psychic, social, and cultural terrain that we inhabit, and that inhabits all of us.
Part of the Study Room Guide on Live Art and Displacement (P3107).

Integration Impossible?: The Politics of Migration in the Artwork of Tanja Ostojic

Editor: Marina Grzinic and Tanja Ostojic | Reference: P3106 | ISBN: 978-3981255263 | Type: Publication

Artist book published as a follow up to the eponymous exhibition; the book presents around 20 art projects realised between 2000 and 2008.

Kunstpavilion Innsbruck, 19 September – 8 November 2008.

Part of the Study Room Guide on Live Art and Displacement (P3107).

Strategies of Success

Artist/Author: Tanja Ostojic, Marina Grzinic and Suzana Milevska | Reference: P3105 | ISBN: 2-910164-32-2 | Type: Publication

Book published alongside the eponymous exhibition (La BOX, Bourges); includes essays by the three authors, in English, Serbian and French.


Part of the Study Room Guide on Live Art and Displacement (P3107).

Guerilla Aspies: a neurotypical society infiltration manual

Artist/Author: Paul Wady | Reference: P3087 | ISBN: 978-1909769076 | Type: Publication

A guide for those on the autistic spectrum on how to 'blend' in – look, sound and act 'normal'.

British Black Art: Debates on the Western Art History

Artist/Author: Sophie Orlando | Reference: P3083 | ISBN: 978-2914563765 | Type: Publication

The book suggests new narratives about canonical artworks of the British Black Art movement, such as Lubaina Himid’s Freedom and Change, Eddie Chambers’ Destruction of the National Front and Sonia Boyce’s Lay Back Keep Quiet and Think of What Made Britain So Great, interrogating their critical agency from an art-historical perspective.

“Piss-Takes”, Tongue-in Cheek Humour and Contemporary Feminist Performance Art

Artist/Author: Jacki Willson | Editor: Katy Deepwell | Reference: A0702 | Type: Article

The article explores the way in which humour is being used by contemporary women performance artists to state the obvious.

