Catalogue > By Keyword > Gilles Deleuze
22 results | Page 1 of 3
The Minor Gesture
Manning extends her previous inquiries into the politics of movement to the concept of the minor gesture.
Expecting the Earth: Life | Culture | Biosemiotics
Formulates a history and theory of biosemiotic and proto-biosemiotic thinking in order to open up new possibilities of contemporary social, philosophical, aesthetic and technological engagement.
Mapping Cultural Identity in Contemporary Australian Performance
An important addition to the current body of scholarly material on contemporary performance and theatre; it provides both a detailed focus on a number of important performance works as well as developing a framework for the interpretation of contemporary performance.
Part of the Library of Performing Rights (P3041).
#Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader (Urbanomic)
Constructs a genealogy of accelerationism, calling attention to early anticipations of accelerationism, and presenting new essays that document the emergence of new accelerationisms steeled against the onslaughts of capitalist realism, and retooled for the twenty-žrst century.
The emergence of contemporary art, engaging widely with other disciplines, as a platform for exploring animal nature.
Choreographing Problems: Expressive Concepts in Contemporary Dance and Performance
Illuminates the relationship between philosophy and experimental choreographic practice today in the works of leading European choreographers.
Encounters in Performance Philosophy
A collection of 14 essays by international scholars and practitioners from across the disciplines of Philosophy, Literature and Theatre and Performance Studies, addressing the nature of the relationship between philosophy and performance.
Thought in the Act
Combining philosophy and aesthetics, this is a unique exploration of creative practice as a form of thinking.
Relational Aesthetics
Where does our current obsession for interactivity stem from? After the consumer society and the communication era, does art still contribute to the emergence of a rational society? Bourriaud attempts to renew our approach toward contemporary art by getting as close as possible to the artists works, and by revealing the principles that structure their thoughts: an aesthetic of the inter-human, of the encounter; of proximity, of resisting social formatting.
n-1 Performance life
Documents the artist’s two-year (2015-2017) experimental site-specific art project. The project involved Chen’s visits to 168 locations set out as squares on a Google map of Greater London, and used the city as a stage and open space for the execution of Chen’s experiments.