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Catalogue > By Keyword > identity

507 results | Page 28 of 51

Shirt and Skin

Artist/Author: Tim Miller | Reference: P1994 | ISBN: 978155583458 | Type: Publication

A compilation of personal stories that the artist had told in his performances over the previous decade.

The New World Border – Prophesies, Poems & Loqueras for the End of the Century

Artist/Author: Guillermo Gómez-Peña | Reference: P1989 | ISBN: 9780872863132 | Type: Publication

Collection of essays poems, and performance texts exploring the notion of hybrid culture.

Black Male – Representations of Masculinity in Contemporary American Art

Artist/Author: Various | Editor: Thelma Golden | Reference: P1991 | ISBN: 0-87427-093-6 | Type: Publication

Catalogue of an exhibition exploring the changing perceptions of African-American masculinity as interpreted in painting, sculpture, photography, and mixed-media work, as well as in film and video.

Uncontrollable Bodies – Testimonies of Identity and Culture

Artist/Author: Various | Editor: Rodney Sappimgton, Tyler Stallings | Reference: P1971 | ISBN: 9780941920278 | Type: Publication

This collection of writings and artwork challenges commonly held definitions of the body. Essays by filmmakers, poets, visual and performance artists, sex workers, activits and cultural critics.

Warrior for Gringostrika

Artist/Author: Guillermo Gómez-Peña | Reference: P1995 | ISBN: 9781555971991 | Type: Publication

A collection of essays, manifestos, performance texts and poetry.


Artist/Author: Sinead O'Donnell | Reference: P1963 | ISBN: 978-0-9565621-5-9 | Type: Publication

Six international performance artists collaborate on a project exploring invisible disability through ‘living art’ practice. CAUTION includes one DVD of video works and one CD of talking text.

Mapping the Terrain: New Genre Public Art

Editor: Suzanne Lacey | Reference: P1950 | ISBN: 978-0941920308 | Type: Publication

A critical framework for understanding and interpreting the new public art that has emerged over the last two decades. Featuring twelve essays from editor Suzanne Lacy: and eleven eminent artists, curators, and critics. Chapters titled as follows: An Unfashionable Audience, Public Constructions, Connective Aesthetics: Art After Individualism, To Search for the Good and Make It Matter, From Art-mageddon to Gringostroika: A Manifesto against Censorship, Looking Around: Where We Are, Where We Could Be, Whose Monument Where? Public Art in a Many-Cultured Society, Common Work, by Jeff Kelley, Success and Failure When Art Changes, Word of Honor, Debated Territory. This item is referenced in the Dreams for an Institution Guide (P2313).

Piercing Brightness

Artist/Author: Mark Bartlett, Shumon Basar and Jean Fisher, | Editor: Gerrie Van Noord | Reference: P1921 | ISBN: 978--3-86335-146-5 | Type: Publication

Book accompanying major solo exhibition of British artist Shezad Dawood.

