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Catalogue > By Keyword > lesbian

64 results | Page 4 of 7

Acts of Intervention: Performance, Gay Culture, and AIDS

Artist/Author: David Roman | Reference: P2877 | ISBN: 978-0253211682 | Type: Publication

This volume examines the ways gay men have used theatre and performance to intervene in the AIDS crisis. It discusses dramatic texts and public performances–from cabarets and candlelight vigils to full-scale Broadway productions that have shaped, and been shaped by, the history of AIDS in national, regional, and local contexts.

The Only Way Home Is Through the Show: Performance Work of Lois Weaver

Editor: Lois Weaver and Jen Harvie | Reference: P2847 | ISBN: 978-1-78320-534-9 | Type: Publication

The book explores Weaver’s collaborative work with Split Britches and Spiderwoman as well as her solo projects, performance interventions, and work as a facilitator, teacher, and as Tammy WhyNot.

Otherwise: Imagining Queer Feminist Art Histories

Editor: Amelia Jones and Erin Silver | Reference: P2820 | ISBN: 978-0719096426 | Type: Publication

The first publication to address queer feminist politics, methods and theories in relation to the visual arts, including new media, installation and performance art. Despite the crucial contribution of considerations of 'queer' to feminism in other disciplines of the humanities, and the strong impact of feminist art history on queer visual theory, a visible and influential queer feminist art history has remained elusive.

Love Art Lab

Artist/Author: Annie Sprinkle, Elizabeth Stephens & Guttersaint | Reference: D2191 | Type: DVD

 Spoken Word CD exploring, generating, and celebrating the themes of love and diversity. 

Demolish the Theatre!

Artist/Author: Simon Casson | Reference: A0615 | Type: Article

Written by Simon Casson, producer of Duckie, this is a polemic letter responding to the consultation towards the McMaster Review for James Purnell and the Department of Culture Media and Sport, condemnning the state of art-funding.

Walking Failure; What Tammy Found Out … About Being Femme

Artist/Author: Nando Messias, Lois Weaver | Digital Reference: EF5132 | Type: Digital File

Video recordings of two performances presented as part an extensive programme curated by Lois Keidan and Aaron Wright (Live Art Development Agency) entitled “Just Like A Woman”, composed of lectures, performances, readings, installations, screenings, workshops and debates on performance of identity, is fully dedicated to the impact of performance on feminist histories and the contribution of artists to discourses around contemporary gender politics.  From the 19th edition of the City of Women (Mesto žensk) festival – 2-13 October 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia – entitled “Let’s create a place for ourselves” on public space and politics.

Enduringly queer

Artist/Author: Fiona McGregor | Reference: A0595 | Type: Article

Review of performances from the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras at Performance Space, Carriageworks, Sydney, 13-15 Feb.

Aroused: A Collection of Erotic Writing

Artist/Author: Karen Finley | Reference: P2499 | ISBN: 1560252820 | Type: Publication

An anthology of erotica, sexual culture, passionate texts, sensual encounters and essays on gender bending.

A Menopausal Gentleman The Solo Performances of Peggy Shaw

Artist/Author: Peggy Shaw | Reference: P2375 | ISBN: 978-0-472-03414-7 | Type: Publication

Collection of Shaw’s solo performance scripts

