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Catalogue > By Keyword > memory

211 results | Page 14 of 22

Remaking History

Editor: Barbara Kruger, Phil Mariani | Reference: P1993 | ISBN: 9780941920124 | Type: Publication

Part of Dia Art Foundation series “Discussions in Contemporary Culture”, Number 4. Essays by Edward W. Said, Paula A. Treichler, Cornel West, Michele Wallace, Homi K. Bhabha, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and others.

The Change I am Seeking is the Change in Real Life

Artist/Author: Katerina Seda | Reference: A0506 | Type: Article

Interview with Katerina Seda in The Believer Magazine about her practice. This article can be found in miscellaneous article folder number 3

Mythogeography: A Guide to Walking Sideways

Artist/Author: Phil Smith | Reference: P1922 | ISBN: 978-0-9562631-3-1 | Type: Publication

Handbook of recollections and practical exercises exploring the art of walking and its modern uses. This item is referenced in the Making Routes Study Room Guide (P1964).

Performing Remains

Artist/Author: Rebecca Schneider | Reference: P1888 | ISBN: 978-0-415-40442-6 | Type: Publication

Explores the role of the fake, the false and the faux in contemporary performance and investigates the aesthetic and political potential of re-enactments.

And Europe will be Stunned

Artist/Author: Yael Bartana | Reference: P1898 | ISBN: 978-1-902201-26-9 | Type: Publication

Europe and the Middle East

uman rights and ethics

The Lost Runway Kyoto

Artist/Author: Aine Phllips | Reference: D1862 | Type: DVD

Collaboration between Áine Phillips and film-maker Rachel Davies. Large scale collaborative project commemorating lost women and girls. A week long workshop process generates a collection of sculptural costumes and culminates in a runway/catwalk performance dedicated to each lost girl represented. Supported by Culture Ireland, Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, Japan Foundation, Live Art Development Agency and British Council. Part of Louder Than Bombs – Art, Acton and Activism Project.

The Boat Project: Maiden Voyage

Artist/Author: Lone Twin | Reference: P1871 | Type: Publication

The programme guide to the maiden voyage from the Boat Project by Lone Twin. The book is also available in the Study Room (P1868). This item is referenced in the Making Routes Study Room Guide (P1964) and the Study Room Guide On shit, piss, blood, sweat and tears by Lois Keidan (P2195)

BALL & Other Funny Stories About Cancer

Artist/Author: Brian Lobel | Reference: P1865 | ISBN: 978-1-84943-168-2 | Type: Publication

Documenting a trilogy of Brian Lobel's monologue performances from 2001-2011 about illness and the changing body over time. See D1845, ‘Cancer Cancer Cancer…' for documentation of Brian Lobel's performances

Heavy Water: A Film for Chernobyl

Artist/Author: David Bickerstaff, Phil Grabsky, Mario Petrucci | Reference: D1853 | Type: DVD

Tells the story of the people who dealt with the disaster at Chernobyl at ground-level.

