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Catalogue > By Keyword > parenthood

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Artist/Author: Emily Underwood-Lee | Reference: P3032 | Type: DVD

Explores the experience of being diagnosed with breast cancer while pregnant. Performace text.

Part of Live Art and Motherhood: A Study Room Guide on Live Art and the Maternal (P3025).

4 Boys [For Beuys]

Artist/Author: Institute for the Art and Practice of Dissent at Home | Reference: P3037 | ISBN: 978-0-9564165-4-4 | Type: Publication

Four Institute boys, Neal, Gabriel, Sid and James, narrate their first ever protests with the help of their parents Lena Šimić and Gary Anderson and four activists x-Chris, Ritchie Hunter, Mel Evans and Ewa Jasiewicz.

Perambulator documentation

Artist/Author: Clare Qualmann | Reference: P3002 | Type: Publication

Documentation from a performance project, which made visible issues around walking with a pram. Through a series of pram walking events around Huntly–town and country–Clare tried to make visible this, and other spaces, and their fitness for people with young children.

Includes the programme and blog posts.

Part of Live Art and Motherhood: A Study Room Guide on Live Art and the Maternal (P3025).

The Pursuit of the Personal in British Video Art

Artist/Author: Catherine Elwes | Reference: A0664 | ISBN: 1462-0426 | Type: Article

Found in miscellaneous article folder #6
This item is part of the ‘Glimpses of before: 1970s UK Performance Art’ Study Room Guide by Helena Goldwater (P2497)

Motherhood and Live Art

Editor: Lena Simic and Emily Underwood-Lee | Reference: A0647 | Type: Article

Report from the event held on Friday 29 January 2016.

This event gathered an invited group of live art and performance practitioners who are working with/around the maternal in their arts practice. All invited participants were asked to briefly introduce their ‘maternal performance practice’ and reflect on their aesthetics, including their processes and methodologies.

In misc folder 5A.

The Mums and Babies Ensemble: A Manual

Artist/Author: Duška Radosavljević, Annie Rigby, Lena Šimić and babies Joakim, Nina and James | Reference: P2795 | ISBN: 978-0-9564165-3-7 | Type: Publication

The Mums and Babies Ensemble was a series of public workshops and events convened by three mums/theatre-makers and their babies. It was prompted by the desire to integrate the structure and chaos of performance-making and motherhood, to create a space that would meet the needs of the parents and babies equally, to capture some memories, to grow a community, and to pass something on eventually.

By institute for the Art and Practice of Dissent at Home.

An Endless Round of Repetitive Tasks With Operatic Anger and Comic Turns

Artist/Author: Townley & Bradby | Reference: P2649 | ISBN: 978-0-95412925-5 | Type: Publication

Book resulted from Townley & Bradby's ongoing project “Artists-As-Parents-As-Artists”, about their experiences of combining parenthood and creative practice. This publication combines drawings and photographs by the artists, and two essays by Frances Williams and Judith Stewart.

