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Catalogue > By Keyword > performance script

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The Mums and Babies Ensemble: A Manual

Artist/Author: Duška Radosavljević, Annie Rigby, Lena Šimić and babies Joakim, Nina and James | Reference: P2795 | ISBN: 978-0-9564165-3-7 | Type: Publication

The Mums and Babies Ensemble was a series of public workshops and events convened by three mums/theatre-makers and their babies. It was prompted by the desire to integrate the structure and chaos of performance-making and motherhood, to create a space that would meet the needs of the parents and babies equally, to capture some memories, to grow a community, and to pass something on eventually.

By institute for the Art and Practice of Dissent at Home.

Benevolent Asylum: An Eclipse of Historical Fiction

Artist/Author: Lily Hibberd | Reference: P1773 | ISBN: 0-9757307-3-8 | Type: Publication

Freemantle Arts Centre exhibition.

The Old Vibration/2 Le Deux

Artist/Author: SORO Performance Unit | Reference: P1637 | Type: Publication

All documents held in a brown paper envelope, labelled ‘Soro Performance Unit’. SORO means ‘The land contains the seed’ or ‘small road’ – it is intended to question the background to contemporary art activity from the perspective of human activity.

