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Catalogue > By Keyword > performance

1686 results | Page 62 of 169

Anna Berndtson Documentation

Artist/Author: Anna Berndtson | Reference: D2176 | Type: DVD

Collection of video documents of the Swedish performance artist’s work.

In actu Negotiations of the Stage as a Spectrum of Im/possible Movements

Artist/Author: Constanze Schellow | Reference: A0580 | Type: Article

The author discusses walk+talk – Philipp Gehmacher’s durational project inviting choreographers to deal with the driving parameters of their practices in simultaneously physical and verbal solo-explorations on stage.

Performing Labour Relations in the Age of Austerity

Artist/Author: Aldo Milohnić | Reference: A0582 | Type: Article

The author analyses several contemporary performances as examples of artistic critique of current ideological canons and power structures governing labour relations in the globalised capitalist production.

Practice comes before Labour : An attempt to read performance through Marx’s notion of practice

Artist/Author: Josefine Wikström | Reference: A0581 | Type: Article

Article exploring the relationship between the critical categories ‘performance’ and ‘labour’ through the broader term ‘practice’ developed in Marx’s more mature writings.

Jan Fabre: Performing Arts / Visual Arts

Artist/Author: Jan Fabre | Reference: D2173 | ISBN: 9789054691525 | Type: DVD

A two DVD set exploring both Fabre's stage and visual art output. This item can be found in the locked glass cabinet.

32 Significant Moments: An Artist’s Practice as Research

Artist/Author: Lisa Watts | Reference: P2604 | ISBN: 978-0992839208 | Type: Publication

Spiral bound. Illustrated by Lisa Watts, Foreword by Sarah Gorman. 

Víctor Lerma: Juego y Sutileza

Artist/Author: Josefina Alcázar | Reference: D2159 | ISBN: 978-607-605-055-2 | Type: DVD

Part of a CD series on performance in Mexico. In English and Spanish.

César Martínez: Dinamita y Gelatina

Artist/Author: Josefina Alcázar | Reference: D2158 | ISBN: 978-607-605-054-5 | Type: DVD

Part of a CD series on performance in Mexico. In English and Spanish.

Carlos Jaurena: Catarsis y Comunicación

Artist/Author: Josefina Alcázar | Reference: D2157 | ISBN: 978-607-605-272-3 | Type: DVD

Part of CD series on performance in Mexico. In English and Spanish.

Ricardo Velazko: Humor y Video

Artist/Author: Josefina Alcázar | Reference: D2156 | ISBN: 978-607-605-272-3 | Type: DVD

Part of CD series on performance in Mexico. In English and Spanish.

