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Catalogue > By Keyword > performance

1686 results | Page 65 of 169

Lydia Lunch

Editor: V. Vale | Reference: P2503 | ISBN: 978-1889307381 | Type: Publication

A compilation of several interviews in which the artist discussses her personal history and some of the many creative collaborations.

Apsolutni Umjetnik / Absolute Artist : Antonio Gotovac Lauer

Artist/Author: Vlasta Delimar, Milan Božić | Reference: P2517 | ISBN: ISBN 9789537730062 | Type: Publication

Publication commemorating the activity of late artist Antonio G. Lauer, a.k.a Tomislav Gotovacho, who had a specially important influence on the art – performance scene in Croatia.

Feminist Perspectives on the Body

Artist/Author: Barbara Brook | Reference: P2502 | ISBN: 978-0582356399 | Type: Publication

This publication explores many Western world’s construction of the body as a theoretical, philosophical and political concept.

Multiple Occupancy: Eleanor Antin’s ‘Selves’

Artist/Author: Emily Liebert | Reference: P2494 | ISBN: 9781884919305 | Type: Publication

From 1972-1991, Eleanor Antin created multiple personae of different genders, races, professions, historical contexts and geographical locations. This book, issued in conjunction with a 2013 exhibition at the Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery, explores these works

Epilogue: Postcards from the Future

Artist/Author: C and H | Reference: P2493 | ISBN: 978-94-9069-355-8 | Type: Publication

Documentation of European performance art collective C and H’s project ‘Postcard from the Future’

Peter Baren: Blind Dates with the History of Mankind - Performances

Artist/Author: Marga Van Mechelen, Bart Rutten, Alex de Vries | Reference: P2490 | ISBN: 9789077794128 | Type: Publication

Comprehensive overview of performance work by Dutch artist Peter Baren

From the Cutting-Floor of the Public Poem

Artist/Author: Alain Arias-Misson | Reference: P2489 | ISBN: 9789490693152 | Type: Publication

Documenting Alain Arias-Misson’s ‘public poem’ projects over the last 45 years. With an essay by Roger D’Hondt

