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Catalogue > By Keyword > philosophy

69 results | Page 4 of 7

Empty Stages, Crowded Flats: Performativity as Curatorial Strategy

Editor: Florian Malzacher and Joanna Warsza | Reference: P3272 | ISBN: 978-3-89581-443-3 | Type: Publication

Investigates an array of staged situations, from choreographed exhibitions, immaterial museums, theatres of negotiation, and discursive marathons, to street carnivals and subversive public-art projects, and asks how ‘theatre-like’ strategies and techniques can in fact enable ‘reality making’ situations in art, and how, as a consequence, curating itself becomes staged, dramatised, choreographed, and composed.

Between Us: Audiences, Affect and the In-Between

Artist/Author: Joanne 'Bob' Whalley, Lee Miller | Reference: P3267 | ISBN: 978-1137584045 | Type: Publication

Introducing the idea of performance as a shared transformative experience, this engaging book will help you make sense of the performer/audience interaction in a landscape where boundaries are collapsing.

n-1 Performance life

Artist/Author: Li-E Chen | Reference: P3209 | ISBN: 9781366057839 | Type: Publication

Documents the artist’s two-year (2015-2017) experimental site-specific art project. The project involved Chen’s visits to 168 locations set out as squares on a Google map of Greater London, and used the city as a stage and open space for the execution of Chen’s experiments.

My Body, The Buddhist

Artist/Author: Deborah Hay | Reference: P3144 | ISBN: 978-0819563286 | Type: Publication

One of the most revealing accounts of what art creation entails and the ways in which the body, the center of our aesthetic knowledge of the world, can be regarded as our most informed teacher.

Part of the Know How: The Study Room Guide on Live Art Live Art and working with older individuals and communities. (P3140)

Fiction Reconstructed: Eastern Europe, Post-Socialism & the Retro-Avant-Garde

Artist/Author: Marina Grzinic | Reference: P3122 | ISBN: 978-3852661537 | Type: Publication

A radical theorization of a particular (Eastern European) position / repoliticization, this book offers a very detailed inquiry into specific Post-Socialist art and media strategies.
Part of the Study Room Guide on Live Art and Displacement (P3107).

Leaky Bodies and Boundaries: Feminism, Postmodernism and (Bio)Ethics

Artist/Author: Margrit Shildrick | Reference: P3036 | ISBN: 978-0415146173 | Type: Publication

A feminist investigation into the marginalization of women within western discourse that denies female moral agency and embodiment.

Part of Live Art and Motherhood: A Study Room Guide on Live Art and the Maternal (P3025).

Testo Junkie : Sex, Drugs and Biopolitics in the Pharmacopornographic

Artist/Author: Paul B. Preciado | Reference: P2956 | ISBN: 978-1558618374 | Type: Publication

Paul B. Preciado shows the ways in which the synthesis of hormones since the 1950s has fundamentally changed how gender and sexual identity formulated, and how the pharmaceutical and pornography industries are in the business of creating desire. This riveting continuation of Foucault’s The History of Sexuality also includes Preciado’s diaristic account of his own use of testosterone every day for one year, and its mesmerizing impact on his body as well as his imagination.

Situationist International Anthology

Editor: Ken Knabb | Reference: P2870 | ISBN: 978-0939682041 | Type: Publication

Generally recognized as the most comprehensive and accurately translated collection of situationist writings in English, this book presents a rich variety of articles, leaflets, graffiti and internal documents, ranging from early experiments in “psychogeography” to lucid analyses of the Watts riot, the Vietnam War, the Prague Spring, the Chinese Cultural Revolution and other crises and upheavals of the sixties.

A Cut A Scratch A Score

Editor: Ajay Hothi and Sophia Yadong Hao | Reference: P2807 | ISBN: 978-1906832223 | Type: Publication

A a set of reflections and annotations on the eponomous performance and exhibition project by preeminent British sculptor, Bruce McLean.

