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Catalogue > By Keyword > sci-fi

5 results | Page 1 of 1

Our Fatal Magic

Artist/Author: Tai Shani | Reference: P4111 | ISBN: 978-1907222818 | Type: Publication

Feminist science fiction that anticipates a post-patriarchal future.



Kissing the Shotgun Goodnight

Artist/Author: christopher brett bailey | Reference: P3699 | Type: Publication

Soundtrack and audiobook of the neo-noir fever dream and 120 decibel suicide note.

 In glass cabinet.

Cyborgs in Mutation

Artist/Author: Meiling Cheng | Reference: P0501 | Type: Publication

Review of the California-based company.

The Novel of Nonel and Vovel

Artist/Author: Oreet Ashery / Larissa Sansour | Reference: P1291 | ISBN: 9-788881-587339 | Type: Publication

