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Catalogue > By Keyword > surrealism

25 results | Page 1 of 3

The Sound of Culture: Diaspora and Black Technopoetics

Artist/Author: Louis Chude-Sokei | Reference: P4016 | ISBN: 978-0819575777 | Type: Publication

Explores the histories of race and technology in a world made by slavery, colonialism, and industrialization. Beginning in the late nineteenth century and moving through to the twenty-first, the book argues for the dependent nature of those histories.

Activating Cities

Artist/Author: Noam Assayag | Reference: P3671 | ISBN: 978-3-947516-00-1 | Type: Publication

A practical handbook on the lost art of getting lost, reading the signs around you, following their lead, and creating your own.

Performance: Live Art, 1909 to the Present

Artist/Author: RoseLee Goldberg | Reference: P3652 | ISBN: 978-0810921818 | Type: Publication

A provocative history of live art traces the precedents of contemporary multi-media events to Bauhaus experimentalism and surveys the Futurists’ manifesto-like events, the Dadaists’ cabarets, and later “happenings” and “spectacles.”

Sculpture Since 1945

Artist/Author: Andrew Causey | Reference: P3576 | ISBN: 978-0192842053 | Type: Publication

Examines innovative and avant-garde works in relation to contemporary events, festivals, commissions, the marketplace, and the changing functions of museums.

The Avant-garde: Race, Religion, War

Artist/Author: Mike Sell | Reference: P3500 | ISBN: 978-1906497996 | Type: Publication

How have avant-gardes been shaped by racism and contributed to racist power and imperialism? How have the claims made by avant-garde political and artistic groups to liberate humanity been indebted to religious intolerance? And how has the vanguard commitment to radical cultural action contributed to war, terror, and destruction? 

Creating Ourselves: Works from the ISelf Collection

Editor: Emily Butler and Candy Stobbs | Reference: P3323 | ISBN: 978-0854882571 | Type: Publication

From Surrealist selfies to feminist self-portraiture, the ISelf Collection explores identity and the human condition through the central themes of birth, death, sexuality, love, pain and joy. Taking the display of the collection at Whitechapel Gallery as its springboard, this book looks generally at the question of the self in modern and contemporary art, and the ways in which artists are thinking about being and identity as an individual, in relation to others, to society and the wider world.

Art and Animals

Artist/Author: Giovanni Aloi | Reference: P2900 | ISBN: 978-1848855243 | Type: Publication

In this latest addition to the highly acclaimed ‘Art and…’ series, Aloi surveys the insistent presence of animals in the world of contemporary art, exploring the leading concepts which inform this emerging practice.

Situationist International Anthology

Editor: Ken Knabb | Reference: P2870 | ISBN: 978-0939682041 | Type: Publication

Generally recognized as the most comprehensive and accurately translated collection of situationist writings in English, this book presents a rich variety of articles, leaflets, graffiti and internal documents, ranging from early experiments in “psychogeography” to lucid analyses of the Watts riot, the Vietnam War, the Prague Spring, the Chinese Cultural Revolution and other crises and upheavals of the sixties.

Guy Debord and the Situationist International: Texts and Documents

Editor: Tom Mcdonough | Reference: P2880 | ISBN: 978-0262633000 | Type: Publication

A revised and expanded version of a special issue of the journal October (Winter 1997) that was devoted to the work of the Situationist International (SI). The first section of the issue contained previously unpublished critical texts, and the second section contained translations of primary texts that had previously been unavailable in English.

Dada in Paris

Artist/Author: Michel Sanouillet | Reference: P2799 | ISBN: 978-0262518215 | Type: Publication

Published in France in 1965, the book reintroduced the Dada movement to a public that had largely ignored or forgotten it. More than forty years later, it remains both the unavoidable starting point and the essential reference for anyone interested in Dada or the early-twentieth century avant-garde. Translated by Sharmila Ganguly.

