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Catalogue > By Keyword > theatre

685 results | Page 13 of 69

This is Theatre… review

Artist/Author: Peri Mackintosh | Reference: A0777 | Type: Article

Review of Jan Faber's piece, performed at the ICA.

Genesi—from the museum of sleep programme

Reference: P3515 | Type: Publication

Programme of the performance which takes the first book of the Old Testament as its inspiration.

The Avant-garde: Race, Religion, War

Artist/Author: Mike Sell | Reference: P3500 | ISBN: 978-1906497996 | Type: Publication

How have avant-gardes been shaped by racism and contributed to racist power and imperialism? How have the claims made by avant-garde political and artistic groups to liberate humanity been indebted to religious intolerance? And how has the vanguard commitment to radical cultural action contributed to war, terror, and destruction? 

Noise, Water, Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts

Artist/Author: Douglas Kahn | Reference: P3493 | ISBN: 978-0262611725 | Type: Publication

This interdisciplinary history and theory of sound in the arts reads the twentieth century by listening to it–to the emphatic and exceptional sounds of modernism and those on the cusp of postmodernism, recorded sound, noise, silence, the fluid sounds of immersion and dripping, and the meat voices of viruses, screams, and bestial cries.

