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Catalogue > By Keyword > trans

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If You Want Bigger Yorkshire Puddings You Need a Bigger Tin

Artist/Author: Lucy Hutson | Reference: D2053 | Type: DVD

Point. 1: I was just listening to Radio 4 telling me about komodo dragons laying virgin birth eggs, and David Attenborough once taught me about a plant at the bottom of a sea that grows flowers, which become jellyfish, that then give birth to seeds that become plants.

Point. 2: I am a makeshift domestic goddess and my life is in a makeshift world, I’ve got all the right whisks and piping bags, but my apron is stained.

If You Want Bigger Yorkshires You Need a Bigger Tin is a show about Lucy’s ‘to trans, or not to trans’ search for her femininity.

Pacific Standard Time – Collection

Reference: P2068 | Type: Publication

Pacific Standard Time is the culmination of a long-term Getty Research Institute initiative that focuses on postwar art in Los Angeles. Through archival acquisitions, oral history interviews, public programming, exhibitions, and publications, the Research Institute is responding to the need to locate, collect, document, and preserve the art historical record of this period. This is a small collection of mixed printed material from related events.

Access all Areas : Live Art and Disability

Artist/Author: Various | Editor: Live Art Development Agency | Reference: P1864 | ISBN: 978-0-9561342-7-1 | Type: Publication

A collection of artists’ writings, performance documentation and films reflecting the ways in which artists, who work with Live Art, are engaging with issues of disability.

There is No Word for It

Artist/Author: Laura Bridgeman & Serge Nicholson | Reference: P1642 | ISBN: 978-0-9568711-0-7 | Type: Publication

Publication of the verbatim theatre show of the same title.

Hoyle’s Humility

Artist/Author: Gavin Butt | Reference: A0240 | Type: Article

Conversation with performance artist David Hoyle, previously known as Divine David


Artist/Author: Lotty Rosenfeld | Reference: V0061 | Digital Reference: EV0061 | Type: Digital File

Drag Kings & Subjects

Artist/Author: Diane Torr | Reference: V0033 | Digital Reference: EV0033 | Type: Video

