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Catalogue > By Keyword > violence

98 results | Page 1 of 10

Structural Violence: Hidden Brutality in the Lives of Women

Artist/Author: Joshua M Price | Reference: P4160 | ISBN: 978-1-4384-4344-7 | Type: Publication

Structural Violence seeks to redraw the conventional map of violence against women. In order to understand violence as a fundamentally heterogeneous phenomenon, it is essential to go beyond interpersonal partner violence and analyse the workings of institutional and structural violence.


Our Fatal Magic

Artist/Author: Tai Shani | Reference: P4111 | ISBN: 978-1907222818 | Type: Publication

Feminist science fiction that anticipates a post-patriarchal future.




Artist/Author: Linda Stupart | Reference: P4108 | ISBN: 9870992674786 | Type: Publication

A heady brew of feminist critique of the art world and extreme body horror.

This Rose Made of Leather

Artist/Author: jamie lewis hadley | Digital Reference: EF5362 | Type: Digital File

Nine minute video of the performance.


Artist/Author: Cindy Crabb | Digital Reference: EF5356 | Type: Digital File

A document showing ways to prevent sexual violence and support survivors of sexual abuse.

It's Down to This

Digital Reference: EF5354 | Type: Digital File

Reflections, stories, experiences, critiques, and ideas on community and collective response to sexual violence, abuse, and accountability.

Betrayal - a critical analysis of rape culture in anarchist subcultures

Artist/Author: Words to Fire | Digital Reference: EF5353 | Type: Digital File

Zine on rape culture in the anarchist milieu.

Dalit Panther Archive: First and last issue

Editor: Shrujana Niranjani Shridhar, Nayantara Bhatkal | Reference: P4096 | Type: Publication

Zine of the project documenting and tracing the Ambedkarite movement in the 1970s.

