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Catalogue > By Keyword > visual arts

83 results | Page 4 of 9

This Not That: The Artist John Baldessari

Artist/Author: John Baldessari, Allan Kaprow | Reference: D2153 | ISBN: 9-783939-873372 | Type: DVD

Directed by Jerry Hughes and Jan Schmidt-Garre, this documentary film gives an in-depth portrait of artist John Baldessari, his work and philosophy. 

Summerhall Festival Programme 2013

Reference: P2184 | Type: Digital File

From ritualistic horror and challenging meta-theatre, to discussions about dissection and death, this programme of events directs audiences towards moments of collision and discovery.

Value, Measure, Sustainability

Artist/Author: Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt, Common Practice | Reference: A0537 | Type: Article

A guide about the future of the small-scale visual arts sector, outlining economic and social understandings of value, measuring the value of arts organizations and sustainability.

Elastic – Printed Project 2002/3

Artist/Author: Various | Editor: Lisa Andrew, Andrew Hurle | Reference: P1976 | ISBN: 0-646-42415-7 | Type: Publication

Illustrated collection on visual art in Australia.

A Pathognomy of Performance

Artist/Author: Simon Bayly | Reference: P1946 | ISBN: 978-0230271692 | Type: Publication

Stages an encounter between performance and philosophy to investigate notions of the event, ephemerality and democracy that have perpetually marked the engagement of thought and the theatrical.

The Space Between - Collected Writings

Artist/Author: Michael Bracewell | Editor: Doro Globus | Reference: P1947 | ISBN: 978-1905464388 | Type: Publication

Collection of Michael Bracewell’s writing on art.

Mapping the Terrain: New Genre Public Art

Editor: Suzanne Lacey | Reference: P1950 | ISBN: 978-0941920308 | Type: Publication

A critical framework for understanding and interpreting the new public art that has emerged over the last two decades. Featuring twelve essays from editor Suzanne Lacy: and eleven eminent artists, curators, and critics. Chapters titled as follows: An Unfashionable Audience, Public Constructions, Connective Aesthetics: Art After Individualism, To Search for the Good and Make It Matter, From Art-mageddon to Gringostroika: A Manifesto against Censorship, Looking Around: Where We Are, Where We Could Be, Whose Monument Where? Public Art in a Many-Cultured Society, Common Work, by Jeff Kelley, Success and Failure When Art Changes, Word of Honor, Debated Territory. This item is referenced in the Dreams for an Institution Guide (P2313).

Accion MAD 10

Artist/Author: Accion MAD Publication0 | Reference: D1871 | Type: DVD

Documentation of the performances and presentations at Accion / Action MAD 10 festival in Spain. Participants: Joan Casellas (Barcelona), Catie de Balmann (Francia), Guiuseppe Dominguez (Madrid), Marco Teubner (Alemania), Ana Matey (Madrid), Edu Hurtado (Bilbao), Revista Efímera (Madrid), Ornic’Art (Francia), Christopher Hewitt (Reino Unido), El Gato con Moscas (Madrid), Fiacha O’Donnell (Madrid), Federico Guardabrazo (Madrid), Beatriz Hoyos y Sara Laguna (Madrid), Darío Buñuel Fanconi (Madrid), Borja Gómez (Madrid), Zhou Bin (China), Rubén Barroso (Sevilla), Elvira Santamaría (México), Anti Festival (Kuopio, Finlandia), Gaetan Rusquet (Bélgica), Sandra Johnston (Irlanda del Norte), María Cosmes (Barcelona), Sierra Centro Arte (Huelva), Adina Bar On (Israel), Gwendoline Robin (Belgica), Domix Garrido (España), 10×10+1 Acción, Bartolomé Ferrando, Fabien Montmartin (Francia), Rosa Mesa (Canarias), Ana Oliva Higueras (Castellón), Isidoro Valcarcel Medina (Madrid), Llorens Barber (Valencia), Antti Laitinen (Finlandia), Rosa Galindo (Canarias), Concha Jerez y José Iges (Madrid)

