Catalogue > By Keyword > walking
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A Dog Named Jimmy: The Social Media Sensation
A definitive selection of new and classic images of Jimmy, which includes the backstory of how the two became such great collaborators.
A to B in MK
Publication on the participatory mapping project developed that took place on the Redways in Milton Keynes from 17th – 29th July, 2018.
In glass cabinet.
The Architect-Walker 2018: A Mis-Guide
An anti-manifesto for changing a world while exploring it; a tool for playful debate, collaboration, and intervention.
Walking and Mapping: Artists as Cartographer
An exploration of walking and mapping as both form and content in art projects using old and new technologies, shoe leather and GPS.
The Town is the Venue
Describes the framework in which Deveron Projects works and contributes to the social wellbeing of Huntly.
T(r)ipping points: the architect-walker and the destabilised city
Documentation (Power Point) from the DIY 13 project exploring notions of tripping and tipping points through the lens of the architect-walker.
Walking Stumbling Limping Falling: A Conversation
An email conversation between a noted poet.walker and a noted performance.walker about being temporarily prevented from walking ‘normally’ by illness/surgery. Their reflections cover cultural perceptions and personal values associated with walking, personal anecdotes, philosophical reflection, practices for daily-life and an alphabet of falling.
Tapping Into The City
Exploring movements through private-public space in the city, the impact of urban surroundings on us and our relations with each other.
Ways to Wander
54 intriguing encounters produced by artists involved with the Walking Artists Network and beyond.
Imagined Theatres: Writing for a Theoretical Stage
Collects theoretical dramas written by some of the leading scholars and artists of the contemporary stage. These dialogues, prose poems, and microfictions describe imaginary performance events that explore what might be possible and impossible in the theatre.