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Catalogue > By Keyword > women

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GraceGraceGrace explore gen-age

Artist/Author: GraceGraceGrace | Reference: P3765 | ISBN: 978-1-9164243-3-3 | Type: Publication

Reframes Live Art practice, adopting the handy neologism gen-age, to describe the intersection of gender and age.

Part of the Library of Performing Rights (P3041).


Artist/Author: Helen Hester | Reference: P3759 | ISBN: 978-1509520626 | Type: Publication

Develops a three–part definition of xenofeminism grounded in the ideas of technomaterialism, anti–naturalism, and gender abolitionism.

SCUM Manifesto

Artist/Author: Valerie Solanas | Reference: P3746 | ISBN: 9781859845530 | Type: Publication

Considered one of the most outrageous, violent and certifiably crazy tracts when it first appeared in 1968, Solanas’ text is reconsidered in Avital Ronell’s introduction, “Deviant Payback: The Aims of Valerie Solanas”.

Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers’ Rights

Artist/Author: Molly Smith, Juno Mac | Reference: P3723 | ISBN: 978-1786633606 | Type: Publication

Do you have to think that prostitution is good to support sex worker rights? How do sex worker rights fit with feminist and anti-capitalist politics? Is criminalising clients progressive – and can the police deliver justice?

Kembra Pfahler: Beautalism

Artist/Author: Kathy Grayson, Kembra Pfahler | Reference: P3733 | ISBN: 978-0981577135 | Type: Publication

Cataloguing Pfahler's recent projects for the 2008 Whitney Biennial, the volume also features her most notorious body-art performances and pieces. Numerous full-bleed photographs capture the making of the Biennial artworks, the preparation for her live show, the performance itself and the aftermath.

In a Queer Time and Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives

Artist/Author: Judith Halberstam | Reference: P3719 | ISBN: 978-0814735855 | Type: Publication

Examines the significance of the transgender body and presents a series of case studies focused on the meanings of masculinity in its dominant and alternative forms – especially female and trans-masculinities as they exist within subcultures, and are appropriated within mainstream culture.

Part of the Library of Performing Rights (P3041)

The Outsiders’ Handbook

Artist/Author: Scottee, Emma Frankland, Selina Thompson, Travis Alabanza | Reference: P3689 | Type: Publication

A free survival guide for queer and trans* young people; by Scottee, Travis Alabanza, Selina Thompson and Emma Frankland.

Download the publication PDF here.

Blood Counts

Digital Reference: EF5288 | Type: Digital File

A programme of events exploring blood in performance for BLOOD: Life Uncut, a season of work for the new Science Gallery, London. Includes:

Janez Janša: Ron’s Story (5 minutes, 2001)

Ernst Fischer and Nicola Hunter: Passion/Flower (2012, 4 minutes)

Regina Jose Galindo: Who Can Erase the Traces (2003, 2 minutes),  La
Sangre del Cerdo (2016, 8 minutes)

Franko B: I Miss You! (2003, 2 minutes)

Marisa Carnesky: Dr Carnesky’s Incredible Bleeding Woman (2016, 3 minutes)

jamie lewis hadley: this rose made of leather (2012, 10 minutes)

Kira O’Reilly: Wet Cup (2000, 3 minutes)

Martin O’Brien: If It Were The Apocalypse I’d Eat You To Stay Alive (2015, 8 minutes)

La Ribot: Another Bloody Mary (2000, 10 minutes)

Rocío Boliver: Times Go By and I Can’t Forget You: Between Menopause and Old Age (2013, 4 minutes)

Pink Triangles: Radical Perspectives on Gay Liberation

Editor: Pam Mitchell | Reference: P3645 | ISBN: 9781788732345 | Type: Publication

Each essay shares two fundamental premises. First, that the oppression of gays and lesbians is not an isolated case, and therefore their struggle is necessarily part of a larger movement for social liberation. And, second, that the experience of gays and lesbians uphold the basic tenets of a foundational Marxism, and that they are uniquely placed to contribute to a revitalisation of Marxist theory.

