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Catalogue > By Keyword > Wu Tsang

4 results | Page 1 of 1

Trap Door: Trans Cultural Production and the Politics of Visibility

Editor: Reina Gossett, Eric A. Stanley, Johanna Burton | Reference: P4076 | ISBN: 9-780262-036603 | Type: Publication

Delves into themes as wide-ranging yet interconnected as beauty, performativity, activism, and police brutality. Collectively, they attest to how trans people are frequently offered “doors”—entrances to visibility and recognition—that are actually “traps,” accommodating trans bodies and communities only insofar as they cooperate with dominant norms.

Part of the Library of Performing Rights (P3041).

Performing Image

Artist/Author: Isobel Harbison | Reference: P3973 | ISBN: 9780262039215 | Type: Publication

Examines how artists have combined performance and moving image in their work since the 1960s, and how this work anticipates our changing relations to images since the advent of smart phones and the spread of online prosumerism.

The Live Art Almanac Volume 4

Editor: Harriet Curtis, Lois Keidan and Aaron Wright | Reference: P3082 | ISBN: 978-1-78319-322-6 | Type: Publication

A collection of ‘found’ writings about and around Live Art that were originally published, shared, sent, spread and read between January 2012 and December 2014. Selected through recommendations and an open call for submissions, Volume 4 reflects the dynamic, international contexts that Live Art and radical performance-based practices occupy.


Editor: David J. Getsy | Reference: P2952 | ISBN: 978-0854882427 | Type: Publication

Part of Whitechapel Gallery’s Documents of Contemporary Art series, a collection of anthologies which collect writing on major themes and ideas in contemporary art. This is the first anthology to bring together artist’s writings and conversations about queer practice, describing and examining the ways in which they have used the concept of queer as a site of political and institutional critique, as a framework to develop new families and histories, as a spur to action and as a basis from which to declare inassimilable difference.

