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News > Category: Announcement

LADA at Hackney WickEd 2014

28 July 2014

The Live Art Development Agency will be hosting a pop-up Study Room as part of the exhibition ‘UPSTAIRS @White_Building’

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Support a new publication on Lois Weaver’s performance work

23 July 2014

We are inviting YOU to contribute and to help us produce the best possible record of Lois’s life and work, featuring as many wonderful and often previously unpublished photographs as we can fit in… elegantly!

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Live Art UK statement on Arts Council England NPO announcement

8 July 2014

Live Art UK is pleased to report that the 15 members of the network who currently have Arts Council England NPO status will continue to be supported as NPO organisations in 2015-18

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Arts Council England, funding announcement

1 July 2014

LADA is pleased to report that our application for Arts Council England “NPO” funding for 2015-18 was successful

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Panel Discussion: A Curator’s Guide to Live Art

2 June 2014

An event considering the increasing presence of ephemeral, itinerant Live Art practices within museums, galleries, biennials and art fairs

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Extravagant Bodies: Extravagant Age

28 May 2014

Presentation of materials from the ‘Extravagant Age’ exhibition in Zagreb (2013) and Belgrade (2014) plus the book launch for the ‘Extravagant Age’ catalogue hosted by Olga Majcen

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In memory of Monica Ross

22 May 2014

An anniversary recitation of The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

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re.act.feminism #2 – a performing archive book launch 9 June – save the date

9 April 2014

The re.act.feminism #2 – a performing archive London book launch will be 6pm on Monday 9 June 2014

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Study Boxes at Live Collision Festival, Dublin

9 April 2014

A hand picked selection of materials from LADA’s Study Room will be available to view throughout the Live Collision Festival

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Joshua Sofaer’s The Many Headed Monster in Madrid

9 April 2014

‘The Many Headed Monster’ features in an exhibition on performance at the Artea Archive in Matadero Madrid

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