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News > Category: Announcement

New publication on the performance work of Adrian Howells

24 June 2015

LADA is delighted to announce the commissioning of a new publication, ‘It’s All Allowed: The Performances of Adrian Howells’

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Performance Art Faction Box Set & Digital Archive Launch

10 June 2015

Performance ]s p a c e [, Live Art UK, and Live Art Development Agency invite you to the launch of ‘Performance Art Faction Box Set & Digital Archive’

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Double Your Money: A call for proposals from artists

27 May 2015

LADA welcomes proposals for an unusual and/or provocative artist-led fundraising initiative

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18 May 2015

A week-long progamme of events 
in response to global demographic shifts and unprecedented levels of human

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Posporno Latino

1 April 2015

Felipe Osornio aka Lechedevirgen Trimegisto presents a screening programme of artists working in the contemporary Latin-American scene in relation to Postporno, gender and sexuality

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PhD Scholarship at the University of Roehampton

19 March 2015

LADA and the Department of Drama, Theatre and Performance at the University of Roehampton are currently inviting applications for a PhD scholarship

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Simplicity and Complicity Workshop

19 March 2015

Free two-day Unicorn Residency with Sibylle Peters exploring Live Art and theatre for children

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Artsadmin and LADA Sweatshop on Documentation

26 February 2015

New Sweatshop on Documentation in collaboration with the Artsadmin, looking at a range of approaches to documenting performative and participatory work

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Call for submissions: dis/placed

25 February 2015

Call-out for artists working in visual art, Live Art, film, design and architecture to submit work for a one week multi-media exhibition titled dis/placed, running in June at The Ditch, Shoreditch Town Hall, London

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‘Performance Art in Ireland: A History’ Book Launches

25 February 2015

Launch events in Belfast, London and Dublin for the first book devoted to the history and contemporary forms of Irish performance art in the north and south of Ireland

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