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News > Category: Announcement

LADA at Venice International Performance Art Week

13 October 2014

LADA is delighted to be a Special Guest at this year’s Performance Art Week in Venice, presenting a screening programme, a talk and an installation of Study Boxes

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Performance from the Edge

13 October 2014

LADA will be presenting two screening programmes of radical work for SPILL 2014

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A Woman’s Work Is…

13 October 2014

A screening of performances and works to camera that explore rites, rituals and everyday actions from a feminist perspective

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LADA Study Boxes at Tempting Failure

12 October 2014

A hand picked selection of materials from LADA’s Study Room will be available to view throughout Tempting Failure

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LADA at the London Art Book Fair

17 September 2014

LADA will have a book table at the London Art Book Fair, profiling a full range of Agency publications, DVDs and editions

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Book launches: Double Exposures

16 September 2014

Series of upcoming book launches events for Manuel Vason’s new title ‘Double Exposures’

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Remote Performances: Listening Post in the LADA Study Room

5 August 2014

Join us and listen live to ‘Remote Performances’ in the LADA Study Room

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]performance s p a c e [: prAxis –  Call Out for Participants

5 August 2014

Opportunity for artists to incorporate critical theory into their practice and practice into their theory, in order to utilise their body as a political tool for change

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Performance Art Faction: Call Out for Essay Commission

31 July 2014

]performance s p a c e [ have placed a call out for direct responses in the form of written essays that engage with Performance Art Faction

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