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LADA Screens: Miranda Whall

On Thursday 7th July, join us for the online launch of Miranda Whall’s Crossed Paths – Scots Pine (2022), a film documenting the artist crawling through the centre of Glasgow to the area hosting the COP26 United Nations Climate Change Conference in November 2021, carrying a 6-year-old potted Scots Pine on her back.

Miranda will talk about her practice, present her recent series of tree crawling performances and short films, and engage in dialogue with LADA’s Co-Director Vivian Chinasa Ezugha. Watch the documentation of Miranda’s talk here

Crossed Paths – Scots Pine premiers as part of LADA Screens and will be available to watch online from 4th July until 4th August 2022.


About Crossed Paths – Scots Pine

Miranda Whall’s performance practice employs crawling as a tool that enables her to embody, inhabit and understand a place and its narratives from a four-legged rather than two-legged perspective. So far she has crawled through mountains, woodland, rivers, seaside promenades, tidal mudflats an island and urban centres. On Saturday 6th November 2021 she crawled with a 6-year-old potted Scots Pine on her back through the centre of Glasgow – from the Glasgow Sculpture Studios on Dawson Road to the COP26 Green Zone in the Science Centre on the Clyde Waterfront Regeneration area. Passers-by ignored, laughed, stared, cheered and filmed as the tree and Miranda silently and determinedly made their way through heavy rain and high winds to reach their destination. The intention of Miranda’s heroic/tragic/comic slow and gentle art activism is an expression of her grief, despair and outrage with a world dominated by corporate and personal greed and an insistence that non-human nature, and in this case trees, be put at the centre of discussions on how to mitigate the climate emergency and ecological crisis. Animals, plants, trees, air, earth and oceans should be, metaphorically, sitting at the discussion table with heads of government and delegates.

Miranda’s hope is that crawling to the COP26 United Nations Climate Change Conference carrying a tree, that was equal in size to her body, might inspire human beings to re-think and re-align their relationship to trees, seeing them not only as a resource to use and abuse but as an ally and a vital source of knowledge. She believes that we all literally need to get down from our human centric, two-legged, dominant and hierarchical position and start recognising our non-human vegetal others as equals, and as sentient beings with a voice – that we crucially need to listen to if we are to find a way out of our human made catastrophe.

A woman is crawling towards the camera on her hands and knees, on a wet paved pedestrianised shopping street. She is wearing black waterproofs, knee pads and black gloves. Her hood is up so we cannot see her face. She has GoPro cameras attached to her arms, hands, wrists, legs and there is one in her mouth. She is carrying a large black plant pot on her back, there is a Scots Pine tree in the pot. It is pouring with rain, many people are wearing face masks. Groups of security guards wear high vis yellow jackets. Miranda Whall, Crossed Paths - Scots Pine, November 2021. COP26, Glasgow. Video footage by Tim Sandys, still from film
A woman is crawling away from the camera on her hands and knees. She is wearing black waterproofs, knee pads, black gloves and red trainers. She is carrying a large black plant pot on her back with a Scots Pine tree in the pot swinging towards the right of the image blown by the strong wind. She is crawling on a wet paved pedestrianised pavement on a bridge. A bus is passing her on her right on the other side of the road, ‘Glasgow Electric’ is written on the side along with other advertisements and a website link. It’s a very active image with strong contrasting light, rain has landed on the camera lens creating blurs and distortions. There is a strong light flash on the bus and drops of rain spray on the lens. A woman is standing to the right of Miranda, on the road filming with her phone camera. Miranda Whall, Crossed Paths - Scots Pine, November 2021. COP26, Glasgow. Video footage by Tim Sandys, still from film

Access Information

All are welcome to join in a relaxed virtual space, with or without your camera on. British Sign Language interpretation and captioning will be available.

We strive to make events accessible in support of d/Deaf and disability communities. Should you have any particular requirements regarding access not listed or have any questions, please email us and we will be happy to offer further support.

Miranda Whall Artist Talk

About Miranda Whall

Miranda Whall studied her undergraduate in fine art at UWIC, Cardiff and the Emily Carr School, Vancouver, Canada, her postgraduate in sculpture at The Royal Academy Schools, London, and was an associate student at Goldsmiths College, University of London. She has exhibited internationally since 1997 and was recipient of an Arts Council Wales Major Creative Wales Award in 2012 and an Arts Council Wales Large Production Grant in 2017/18. Recent solo shows include Crossed Paths – Sheep at Oriel Davies Newtown, Wales in 2018, and Passage at the Institute of Contemporary Interdisciplinary Art, Bath in 2015.

Miranda has undergone 18 international residencies, has been the recipient of numerous Arts Council England grants and has curated and organised a multitude of artists and student exhibitions. She has commissioned artists, musicians, writers, poets, actors, photographers, filmmakers and dancers to collaborate in her projects. Miranda is currently working on a NERC Discipline Hopping funded project with a sci-art team and the Pwllpeiran Upland Research Centre, Aberystwyth University, and a public tree crawl for the ArtBomb Festival in Doncaster in August 2022.

A woman has let her head drop onto her forearms, her black gloved hands are stretched out on a tarmac surface. The gloves have the brand logo ‘Trespass' written on them. Four GoPro cameras are attached to her hands and wrists. The image has been overlaid by another image, so on her wet black hood you can see an image of a man holding a phone camera and the plant pot and the tree trunk, there are also some very faint and so difficult to identify colours and shapes from the overlaid image in the wet pavement. Miranda Whall, Crossed Paths - Scots Pine, November 2021. COP26, Glasgow. Video footage by Tim Sandys, still from film

About LADA Screens

LADA Screens is a series of free, online screenings of seminal performance documentation, works to camera, short films/video and archival footage. It is part of Live Online, LADA’s dedicated space where you can watch short videos and films drawn from LADA’s Study Room or generated through our programmes and initiatives.

Each screening will be available to view for a limited time only.

LADA Screens is curated by the Live Art Development Agency (LADA). LADA is a ‘Centre for Live Art’: a knowledge centre, a production centre for programmes and publications, a research centre setting artists and ideas in motion, and an online centre for digital experimentation, representation and dissemination.

Banner image credit:

Miranda Whall, Crossed Paths – Scots Pine, November 2021. COP26, Glasgow. GoPro footage, still from film

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