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‘The Only Way Home Is Through the Show’ – Book launches in London and New York

Lois Weaver is one of the true pioneers in feminist and lesbian performance. Edited by Jen Harvie and Lois Weaver, The Only Way Home Is Through the Show: Performance Work of Lois Weaver is a guided tour of Lois Weaver’s aesthetics, principles, inspirations, innovations, and desires, featuring a wealth of material that has never previously been published. The book explores her collaborative work with Split Britches and Spiderwoman as well as her solo projects, performance interventions, and work as a facilitator, teacher, and as Tammy WhyNot. Published by LADA and Intellect Books in the Intellect Live series

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Book Launches:

Abrons Arts Center, New York 
Friday 23 October 2015
6pm, Free to attend
Book launch and Cocktails with Lois Weaver and Jen Harvie. Part of Just Like A  Woman: New York Edition, a three-day programme of shows, installations, cabarets and discussions looking at the performance of identity. 

Chelsea Theatre, London 
Friday 13 November 2015
6.30pm, Free to attend 
Book launch and Cocktails with Lois Weaver and Jen Harvie. Part of Just Like A  Woman: London Edition, a programme of performances, screenings, installations cabarets and discussions looking at the performance of identity.

Queen Mary University of London Film and Drama Studio, ArtsTwo Building 
Monday 16 November 2015
6pm, Free, reservation essential
Cocktail Celebration with Lois Weaver and Jen Harvie. The event will include manifestos for 'Making Feminist Performance' from QMUL's Dr Caoimhe McAvinchey, Sh!t Theatre's Louise Mothersole and other makers and a Long Table open public discussion on 'Making Feminist Performance' (bring your own manifesto to share).

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